Just Another Great Monday

Per the usual, Monday morning snuck up on me like the nasty little hooker she is.
(Because yes, I often get snuck up on by hookers. It's weird, I know.)
This Monday started a bit earlier than the norm-
I was actually in my car on the road to Milwaukee by 6:00 a.m.
I don't know about you, but that's quite early for me.
Being on the road at that time meant I had to be up by at least 5:52 a.m.
I should clarify and let you know that I treat my morning routine very similar to that of a five year old.
I'm big on showering at night, it's a habit I started in kindergarden and just can't break.
This allows me to quickly roll out of bed, brush my teeth/wash my face,
grab my makeup and a cup of cereal,
and get out the door.
Today my outfit of choice was work pants with a nice hooded sweatshirt and slippers.
Of course I bring my "nice clothes" to change into, but I know just one of these times I'll forget.
It wouldn't be the first time.
In fact the last time I forgot, this was the shirt I ended up wearing all day:

And if you think I'm joking check out this post for a complete recap.

But anyway,
the only bad thing about getting ready in the car, is car lighting.
Half the time I think the mirror in my car is a trick mirror because one minute I look twenty five,
and then I look a little too closely and suddenly I see Old Lady Idgie from Fried Green Tomaters staring back at me.
Hello sun spots... Sure am glad I spent all those high school years in the tanning bed.
-said small town girls every where.
I guess it's better I see her than Kathy Bates staring back at me, right?

But today was the big BMX bike show kick off. And just as expected, pants were shit.
The only way I can think to describe the kids when I start mentioning prizes
is to compare it to the SNL's Oprah's Favorite Things skit-

as soon as I said "light up" their heads started spinning in complete circles
and green vomit was spraying out every where.
It was intense.
On that note- I need to get some lunch.
And Harlow needs a walk. Then again, maybe he doesn't.
He hasn't moved from this spot since I walked in the door.

Oh, the life of Harlow.
It's most likely better than yours and mine.

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