Shit No One Says on Friday

Pulling out a post from the archives today.
It just felt right.

Friday already?

Alcohol sounds disgusting to me right now.

Man was this a fast week or what?

I just wish it was Monday.

I hate not wearing work clothes on Friday, it just makes me feel so unprofessional.

Do you think I could stay late tonight?

Isn’t it weird how cold calling never gets old.

This weekend is going to go so slow I can already tell.

I’m just glad I’m not in college anymore.

I hate not having anything to do on Saturday.

I always feel so much more productive on Fridays.

I wonder if the gym opens at 6 a.m. or 7 a.m. tomorrow?

I bet he’ll return my voicemail.

Getting paid on Fridays is so dumb.

I love when people are extra bitchy to me on the phone on Fridays.

Remember how pointless Fridays used to be when you’d skip class every week?

It’s so annoying when my pants fit loose by the end of the week.

I really wanted to wear tights today.

Hold that thought, I need to make a few more calls before we talk about non-work things.

Text? No, how about I just call you tonight to see what’s going on instead.

I guess I just feel more comfortable taking care of my hangover “issues” in a public bathroom.

Sending mass emails is just fun and that’s that.

Katy Perry is so original. And she's just funny, I don't what anyone else says.

I think I’m just going to stay in tonight and watch Whitney and 2 Broke Girls.

How much longer do we have to wait for another Rebecca Black hit?

I forgot it was Friday for a second.

I’m so annoyed Facebook isn’t blocked at work.

The weekend just makes me want to eat healthy.

I get so much done between 2 and 5 p.m.

I love going out when I’m so pale.

Want to throw back a Pepsi or two after work with me?

I was really hoping this zit wouldn’t go away by today.

I wish I would have come in early today.

I love making calls on a Friday afternoon.

People love getting called on a Friday afternoon.

This day is going too fast, it needs to slow down.

Sometimes I just wish I had a house full of children to go home to after work on Friday.

Working just makes me feel like I have a purpose in life.

Having a hangover at work just makes the day go faster, don’t you think?

I hate Fridays.


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