Calm Your Britches

And now a post to follow-up on a post that I thought was so blatantly ridiculous
people could take it for what it is.
Peeps, let's look at the clues here, shall we?
The first photo is one of me cupping a statue's man bits.
How serious do you think this is going to get?

"For those who are concerned, please note that what I am about to say is based on almost zero facts, much of it has nothing to do with politics,
it's mostly all hearsay, and is almost entirely my own bullshit opinion.
So take it for what it's worth."

And then there was that whole part, remember that.

Finally, I started the whole thing off with:
And now a political post from someone who knows almost nothing about politics.
So my bloggy friends, I beg you, never get too heated over a "political post"
that starts in this manner.
You've got better things to get heated about, I assure you.
Have you not read any of my other posts? We all get that I'm pretty sarcastic, right?
Look below, "The Time Harlow Pissed the Bed"
probably an indicator I'm not taking this blog too seriously.
I say random, inappropriate shit on the regular, that's kinda why I started this.
And it's also kinda what I kept this private for 3 + years.
Because sometimes I get aggravated that people don't get my humor
and can't just take it for what it is.
If I read this post, I'd think,
"Ha that girl's an idiot. What's for lunch?"
and then I move. But that's how I live my life.

More importantly though, at what point did I say the word "lazy?"
Or "unemployed?"
I didn't. Because I've been unemployed (and lazy.)  But I can tell you what I wasn't doing during this time, and that was "hanging out" all day long. I was working my ass off to find a job.
 So the only group I "generalized"
would be the same people I see "brown bagging" drinking and "smoking" every day on the same street I drive by all. the. time.
After you see the same people doing this day after day, at what point does it stop being a generalization
and start being the truth?
And why can't I be pissed that they get to hang out and drink 40s all day?
 I'd like to do that.

So was I trying to offend your husbands, your cousins, your brothers?
Not at all. 
Why some of you took it there, I honestly have no idea. 
(Unless your husband is in that very group I see all the time downtown with the smokes and drinks)
in that case- if the brown bag fits..

It was called the Obama Romney Sock Hope. Did I have to write it in sarcastic font or something for that to come across?
I said I was Republican because Lady Gaga told me to be.
Maybe I'm actually Democrat. Who knows. Who cares.

I don't write posts like the one below because I think it's 
I do it because this is my blog. And this is the shit that goes through my head.
I certainly don't write to offend. But then again, I'm yet to hear a joke that "offends me."
Have you noticed how I'm usually the first one I make fun of?
I don't dish shit, unless I've first said the same thing about myself.

Seriously. I'm holding a statue's testicles.
How did you take that to such a negative level.
On the complete flip side (which I'm allowed to do because this is my blog)
it's kinda cool/refreshing to see how many people who care about politics!
Keep the comments coming, unless they're negative toward other reader's comments.
I don't need that shit. This isn't youtube. 

But my only question is this- how come no one stands up for celebs when I make fun of them?
Where are all of the celeb advocates? Does anyone else find this slightly hypocritical?

That's that. 
I'm kinda weirded out by all of this. I must be super naive because I never thought
such a stupidly foolish post could get people upset or have them jump to conclusions as to what 
I was referring to.
Do you get mad when a five year old tells you her thoughts on politics? 
Because didn't I basically say I have the political knowledge of a five year old? 
Yes, I did. It's not good, I'm not proud of it. But it is what it is.
And I said Obama had a nice smile. That's what really gets me.

Here's my bottom line:
I thought my post was satirical in the fact (if nothing else) it displayed how ignorant/stereotypical my political knowledge is.
It was a joke...

And now I'm off to wonder what the hell just happened here. 

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