The Second City

Once upon a time I got this bright idea I wanted to take classes at the Second City.
Well those classes start tonight.
And I want to know what in the hell I was thinking.
a. My cold is in full force and I am drippy, raspy, and all over shitty feeling.
b. I just want to lay on the couch all night.
and  c. I hateeeeee meeting new people/trying new things.
I know c. is pathetic. But it's true.
I'm already all uncomfortable and awkward for myself thinking about walking in tonight
and not knowing where to go. Or where to sit. Or who to talk to. Or what to wear...
And how to fit in with the "type" of people who take Second City classes.
{The over zealous thespian/aspiring comedian/actor type.}
I become that type only after a lot of drinks...
For those of you who don't know,
The Second City is the Chicago improv training school where all of my favorites
got their start. To name a few:
John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Mike Meyers, Tina Fey, Jany Lynch, Tim Meadows
and most imporantly, my obese brotha from another motha-
Chris Farley.
Oh me and my damn bright ideas.
I am soooo dreading 7:00 p.m. tonight.
But I think deep down I just know I need to do this. If not only just to say I gave it a try.
It's been on my "life list" for about ten years now...

So tonight when I'm super uncomfortable,
and pretending to be on my phone, or trying not to let my face get super red and blotchy,
I will remember Chris Farley was once here.
I will be in the exact same classroom where all the greats started.
So I guess that right there makes it kinda worth it.

At the very least it will give me new stuff to blog about on Wednesdays...

Next up, let me introduce you to one of my favorite doggy-bloggers around.
Okay, I guess to be fair I should say she writes about a lot of other things besides just her dog.
Like fashion, makeup, lifestyle, she's basically a one-stop-blog.
And she's cute.
And funny.
Like I said, one stop blog. So check her out!
and she's giving away a $15 Target gift card! Woop woop.

Oh hey, Daily Tay-ers.
I'm Sarah and I blog over at Total Basset Case.
 If you couldn't guess from my blog name, we have a basset hound.
His name is Floyd.
I am almost as obsessed with Floyd as Taylor is with Harlow.
Hopefully next time we are in Chitown Harlow and Floyd can meet.
And have a love connection.
And I can meet Taylor
And we can further our blog love connection. 
I mean, have you met anyone funnier?
For reals.

As much as Floyd looks like a dog, he isn't much of a dog.
 In fact, he really doesn't do anything that 'normal' dogs do.
He doesn't:
-play fetch
-catch a ball
-sleep in a dog bed
-walk very well on a leash (he'd rather sit)
 -eat normal dog food (mr. sensitive stomach over here)
However, he does:
-snuggle like it's his job
 -bring you beers
 -help load the dishwasher
-protect the neighborhood
You win some, you lose some.

We once read that living with a basset is like living with a small clown in your house.
Truer words have never been spoken.
Ol boy has 0 coordination or skillz. 

Floyd would love for you to come visit our neck of the woods.

P.s. in honor of sponsoring Taylor's blog this month I am doing a giveaway too!
$15 gift card to Target!!
To enter follow the rafflecopter prompts:
Giveaway ends on Friday and the winner will be announced on Total Basset Case on Monday.

Now get over there already and win that gift card.

Speaking of winners... Congrats to Kaileigh @ The Osbott Spot for winning the group giveway!

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