Kites Will Guide You Home

Dear little Theta babies,

I'm sitting in my office
(which is basically just a cheap Ikea desk shoved into the corner of my bedroom)
here in Chicago reading statuses about recruitment on Facebook.
And Fix You comes on Pandora. That damn song always gets me...
If you don't know the legacy of Fix You please stop reading now.
Kidding. But seriously, you need to know that song.
And suddenly I feel painfully lonely. And for the most part, I'm a loner, and I'm usually okay with it.
Except for right now.
Right now as I remember back to that week in my life in which I was "locked in"
a house with all of my best friends.
Let's be honest, I wasn't best friends with everyone.
S. Fritz and myself didn't exactly see eye to eye,
but damn, that bitch could shine during rush, and even I appreciated that.
Ohmygosh, I can't believe I just called housemom a B...

the funny part is that while I was living it, I complained about it.
Yet looking back, I can't remember why...
Why did I complain about the fact I was forced to be with my best friends for hours on end.
Why was I upset I had to sing and dance and act like a complete dip shit
until the wee hours of the morning with girls that now I get excited just to receive a text from?
I know recruitment week can be hell.
Oh, yes I do.
I was a "background girl" who wasn't allowed to rush the new girls in fear I might
scare them off with my "jokes" or "awkward sense of humor."
It's pretty funny to me now looking back. And a smart move, I must say.
We can't all be Brittany Loves or Kate Rolfsmeyers. And that's okay.
Don't take it so damn seriously. You'll get to rush when you're a senior.
At least that's the first time I was allowed to...
Rush week 2007. Now you get why they were hesitant to let me speak...

I guess I'm just trying to say that waking up on a Monday morning in a house
with all of your favorite girls, knowing you have to rehearse a song,
or stand in a "V" like a group of birds for hours on end
isn't the worst thing in the world.
I'd take it over the Monday I just had...
(Wait until you graduate and then you'll really understand what I'm saying.)
Just look around you.
You are where you're supposed to be.
And someday the girl next to you,
 the girl who you might drink too much at formal with,
or cry with after formal if it doesn't go well,
or break into the kitchen with if it does go well,
will be hundreds of miles away from you.
and you'll find yourself writing nostalgic blog posts about it... life gets hard after Theta....
You might not enjoy this week as it happens,
but try, really try hard to,
because each year following it,
it will only seem to get better and better as you remember it.

And just for the record my composite photo from 2008 is intended to be a joke.
That's not my real smile FYI...

Now go rush the shit out of those new girls.
I don't want to return to my house and have it be full of butterfaces.
But really. Let's keep it cute.


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