always. sometimes. never.

My one task for the day (besides working, cleaning, walking Harlow, ext)
was to monitor the movie that is being filmed on my block from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. today.
Up and down the street there are signs that read "no parking during movie filming."
But of course I forgot this until just ten minutes ago when I was walking Harlow 
and saw cones set up in the street and a possible movie set van (I'm assuming.)
It could have also been a child trafficking van, as well. They look very similar.
But nothing else. So I can only assume filming hasn't started yet.
You know how movie sets are, always running behind.
I guess I'll just have to treat this like the day Joe Biden ate at my neighbor's house
and simply check my surroundings every twenty minutes to be fully aware of what is going on.
(It's for the sake of my neighborhood, of course.)
Someone's gotta be the crazy lady sitting on her stoop with her dog and her iced tea...
Might as well be the girl from Nebraska.

Since it's Thursday, it's time again for always. sometimes. never.

Harlow edition.

I always pick up after Har when he drops the deuces. This is the city. It's what you do.
Then again, I sometimes only bring five bags and he goes six times...Seriously.
But I will never just leave the poo. If anything, I'll do the poo-shuffle and pretend to either pick it up, 
or at least kick dirt, grass, or whatever else I can find on top of it.

These signs always drive me nuts.
You know what I sometimes want to do? Replace it with a sign that says,
"please respect our dogs, kindly keep signs out of their environment."
C'mon! It's the outdoors! Where do they think squirrels piss? Or rats? Or homeless people?
Or Chris on the weekends? Jk... But no.
Never have I pulled Harlow away from peeing in this spot. Or Chris.

Since I don't have a yard, I am always picking up shit.
But sometimes, just sometimes I dream about just leaving it.
And if someone would catch me leaving dog shit in their yard, this is what I'd say:
"It's fine, this fertilizer treatment is on me."
And then I'd walk away laughing all the way home.
I've never done it. But a girl can dream.

And now here's a scene from earlier today in which Harlow saw a squirrel.
He always goes absolutely Honey Boo Boo crazy when he sees those damn squirrels.
Sometimes, I mean usually, I have to carry him away from the tree like a screaming toddler.
It's never a good situation.

Is it Friday yet?
Now link up. It's totes fun.


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