The Bloating Games

Oh hey there Monday, looking good!
said nobody...
After ten days of celebrating the 4th,
and ten days of drinking a lot of empty calorie beverages,
and ten days of eating a lot of yummy pinterest food,

I punished myself with a ten hour drive back to Chicago yesterday.
The only thing I like about car rides is car ride food.
My staples include, but are never limited to:
Beef Jerky- duh.
Combos- gotta have the pretzels/cheese to go with the meat.
And Dt. Mt Dew (because I like to be healthy, obviously.)
And yesterday I even mixed it up with a bag of Gardettos.
And I swear to the brown Gardetto God it was the jackpot of all bags.
There was at least one brown chip of coveted goodness for every bland white breadstick/pretzel.
That never happens.
Chris didn't even have to yell at me for picking out all the brown ones
because there were so many.
I told him we should definitely go buy a lotto ticket because it was obviously our lucky day.
And then he reminded me I get a little more white trash everyday
because I consider "luck" to be purchasing a good bag of Gardettos,
and then suggest we continue "said luck" by playing the lottery.
Touche Chris, touche.

This is how Har and Chris rode a majority of the way.
How cute are they?
One of them is hungover by the way, can you guess who?
(and don't worry mom, I took this picture when I pulled over!)
Harlow prefers to be touching us at all times in the car,
so even though there is always an open back seat,
he still opts for the lap.
And for whatever bizarre reason, Chris and I let him.

I was the road warrior behind the wheel.
But I didn't mind because I was listening to the last book in the Hunger Games series.
So as Katniss rambled on about not eating,
and having to hunt for all food,
and always being so damn hungry,
I stuffed my face with gas station snacks and realized I was playing my own set of games,
The Bloating Games.
The goal: To see how full I could stuff myself with sodium within a ten hour drive.
The odds were definitely in my favor.

Then when I arrived home last night my mailbox was full of wonderfully
decorated Wedding invites!
Oh, how I love weddings.
However the "M ___" on an RSVP always throws me for a loop.

Up until literally five minutes ago I thought it was just a fun fill in the blank game.
Like I could choose any M word to respond with.
"Married life is cool!"
"Marge was the cook's name in my sorority!"
"Might drink too much at your wedding!"

So, thanks bride-to-be Jeni for telling me what it really means.
Although, I like my idea better.

Okay, it's time to go get my Monday on.


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