Meet Tiff

Well hey there. 
Happy Tuesday.
Proud to say I have already gotten up this morning and taken Harlow on a run.
Except for the fact I am actually writing this Monday evening around 11:00 p.m.,
so the previous sentence is most definitely a lie.
But I'm hoping that if I commit myself to it, I might actually do it...
 I love the idea of running.
I honestly like to think of myself as one of those "morning runners"
what with their cute athletic outfits,
and the fact they have their workout out of the way by usually 7:00 a.m.
But I don't actually enjoy running (only the idea of it.)
Or getting up early. I'm lucky to be up before 9:00 a.m. 
And then I need at least an hour of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and The Today Show before I get going.
It's pathetic.

But here's a girl who isn't pathetic.
She gets up with her adorable dog, Sherman, at the butt crack of dawn.
Like every morning. 
And then they go to the park. 
And then they swing (at the park, not with other dog couples.) 
And they do all sorts of other fun things.
Then she blogs about it with all of these amazing photos that look ten times
better than any photo I take.
And she's funny!
Usually this is all taking place before I have even stepped out of bed.
Incredible, huh?

Did I mention we're email pen-pals?
Well we are, we like to talk about all of the ways Harlow and Sherman are alike.
And the fact we're both kind of obsessed dog-parents.
And also that sometimes we like a good glass of wine. Or two...
Okay, I'll spare you any more creepy details and introduce you all to 

Hi there. I'm Tiff. I blog over at The Coffeehouse
a blog that has absolutely nothing to do with coffee. 
Instead, I blog about everything, everyone, and their dog (literally). 
I love dogs. 
Oh and I have one too. 
His name is Sherman.
He likes to eat cookies.
And couches.

But I'm not here today to tell you about Sherman's diet.
I'm here today to tell you about something really big that happened this last weekend.
 I mean big. 
Sherm lifted his leg like a big boy. 
Not even kidding.
Guys, this has been a long time coming. 
Like over a year. 
For over a year now husband and I have been watching our lab pee. 
And he pees like a girl. 
Ok, so he used to pee like a girl. 
Now he pees like a real man ... or dog ... or dogman. 
He lifts his leg. Gosh we are so proud.
So this made me think of something else I could share with you today.
Several months ago I posted this silly picture on my blog.
And I got made fun of for it. *gasp*
Nope, not because of my awesome wig. 
And no, not because I went on a date with a boy with a 6-inch mohawk 
(who I ended up marrying by the way). 
They laughed at me because of the position of my leg. 
Not to mention, this was our very first date. 
I have never been afraid to flirt. Clearly.
So, this triggered me to go search out yet another picture where my leg was once again lifted in the air.
I am such a good friend to disguise my friends.
Yes, that would be a pool stick between my legs.
And yes, those would be bridesmaid dresses.
And no, this was not after the wedding. 
This was before the wedding 
(I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to my good friend, 
who trusted us to be a part of her big day. I am so very sorry).
And another.
And my favorite.
Just dancing on stage like any other normal girl would do.
Except for that I felt it necessary to lift my leg.

Guys, I'm really not sure why I do this.
I'm not sure if this is because I am slowly but surely turning into a dog myself ... or maybe I was a dog in my past life.
 How else would you explain all of this leg lifting? Do any of you lift your leg like this for pictures? Please tell me that you do.

So, there you have it.
Sherm and I are now both officially leg lifters.
I'll be sure to let you guys know if husband starts doing it too. Then we'll really know that there is something wrong with the Joneses.
If this post doesn't make you want to race over to my blog and read every single post that I have ever written, I'm not sure what will. Oh and yes, I have been known to be just a tad bit sarcastic.
See you soon!

Okay, waste no more time and head on over to The Coffeehouse!


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