Jef & Emily + 1 big 8 year old

In what might be one of the greatest (mediocre?) finales ever,
Jef won himself a fiancé.
a mom.
 a child.
a family.
The only other place you could take home such a package is Mexico City.
So well done, Jef. Well done.

And of course I think it's going to work out great for all of them.
When isn't it a good move to get engaged to a man
your child has only met one time?
It's how all of the best marriages start.
In a way, I kind of like to think of Emily and Jef like Mary and Joseph.
They didn't even have to consummate their love and yet they were
blessed with their own little Ricki Bobby baby Jesus.
Kinda neat, if you think of it that way.

Yup, sweet Little Nicki Ricki just landed herself the best dad ever.
He swims.
He plays with puppets.
He eats cheetohs.
What more does a kid need to know when choosing their dad?
And if all else fails at least Rick knows she's always got a career in Reality TV waiting for her.

So what about... Arie?

Well I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume Arie's
got a pretty cushy career/life ahead of him.
The way he dealt with Emily "breaking up with him"
had every girl drooling over the new "pissed off Arie" we hadn't yet had the pleasure of seeing.
Or was that just me?
He went from happy, to confused, to worried, to sad, to pissed,
to over it.
All in like four minutes.

The love potion part was just painful to watch.
He was just so happy and light hearted and
yet everyone knew what was coming, everyone but him.
I honestly thought it was a shitty move on ABC's part to show that.
I'm personally not a fan of watching (good) people be humiliated on reality TV.
It makes me feel like I'm watching the Hunger Games. Or the Truman Show.

But honestly,
I wouldn't be surprised if by now Arie's already dating someone like Jen Aniston.
Or ScarJo. Or both Olsen twins. Or Justin Bieber.
That's how cool I think Arie is.

He just didn't have "the edge" Jef did.
According to Emily, anyway.
But apparently she and I have a different meaning for what the "edge" is.

All jokes aside, I kind of liked Jef in the end.
Not my type, oh no, not at all.
But he seemed pretty cute and genuine,
in an 80s movie kind of way.

I think the biggest question at this point is who will be the next Bachelor?

If it's Sean, I won't watch. He's cute, but boring as helllllllll.
If it's Arie, well I think we know what my thoughts would be on that one.

The only thing that matters is that in the end,
Jef was the victor.

Or was hairspray the real winner here?

Or was it Pauly D?

You be the choice of that...
Until next season.
Over and out.

PS. My mom is looking for a web designer to help her out with a new website she is working on.
She's starting a blog called The Daily Sandy.
But she is working on a site, so if you are in the biz of graphic design or web design,
send me an email at so we can talk a bit.


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