
So I lost another follower this week.
And one might think, "it's just one follower, no big deal."
And one who doesn't blog might think, "what's a follower, stop being a creep."
A follower: i.e. someone who actually takes the time to click
"join this site"
over there on the right---->
And it shouldn't be a big deal. But I'm a dweller.
And since I get so excited when someone does click follow (#patheticbloggerexcitment)
I get just as dissapointed pissed when someone clicks unfollow.
Do me a favor and just don't read, is it really necessary to break up with me via social media?

So as I was stewing about this and wondering what I had done wrong
or which post had offended someone to the point of leaving my lovely little site
(I had quite a list of possibilities going through my head)
I realized how insecure my blog is.
My blog is Regina George. Think about it...
It thrives on followers.
Its outer appearance never feels adequate next to other, prettier blogs.
It gets super bitchy at blogger when it doesn't listen.
It's always trying to lose weight.
It tends to get jealous of other blogs who have more followers...
And it tries to buy peoples love.
and it hates Lindsay Lohan.

I'm comparing my blog to Regina George.
Clearly I've gone off the deep end.
It's been one of those weeks. And it's only Tuesday.
Here's the other thing that happened. I didn't want to mention it because I'm so ashamed.
But I know if it happened to anyone else I'd call them out.
So it's only right I call myself out.

Notice anything about my name?
Like the way it's spelled wrong perhaps?
For over six months I have been sending emails with my name spelled wrong.
Pronounced like Eore, I assume. Only Tayor.
So much is wrong with this.
 I'm even more embarrassed to know how many of have you
probably noticed and didn't say a thing.
You probably felt bad for me. Thought I had a learning disability or something.
Finally yesterday, a very kind (and sarcastic I can only assume) reader
whom I won't mention her name Emily Borgmann addressed me in an email as:
"Taylor (or is it Tayor?)"
I die.

So yes, I am the girl who not only spells her own name wrong,
but proceeds not to notice for over six months of email correspondence.
The worst part is Google continues to shame me and won't
let me change it on emails that I already had a thread going.
It's like they want to punish me for being so stupid.

I know you've noticed by now I tend to have some
grammatical errors. Frequently...
I'm sorry.
I'm always in a hurry, that's the only thing I have to blame it on.
You can tell me to slow down
 (like every other teacher I've had since preschool)
but chances are I'm not listening because I've already moved onto something else.

If you'd like to check out a blog from a girl who can spell her name
head on over to Jenni and check out the giveaway I'm hosting this week.
Her name is even in her blog "Jenni Austria Germany" so that makes it
even more impressive she always gets it right.

The blogger formerly known as Tayor


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