We came. We saw. We Biden'd.

When I said yesterday I was going to drop everything to be on watch for the Vice President to pull up,
I meant it.
Harlow and I did everything to be in on the action.
We went on a 100 walks, we went to the store twice,
we even attempted to take the trash out.
I say "attempted" because we weren't actually allowed to do so.
Not only was my alley blocked off by secret service men,
when I tried to get by them they first asked if I lived nearby to which I responded,
"no, I just really love the trash bins around here,"
and I looked dumbly at my two bags of trash.
Lesson learned the hard way: secret service men don't like sarcasm.
"Sorry, yes I live here. I just need to take my trash out."
So he said,
"show me some ID that proves you live here."
Who actually has their current address on their license anymore?
That is so 90s.
Okay, a lot of people probably do...
My license says:
7240 Dorchester Ct
Norfolk, Nebraska 68701
which is funny because Dorchester was my college house street (P2B forever!)
and Norfolk is the town I grew up in like 120 miles away from that street.
I'm always filling out forms too fast...

Regardless, I'm quite the smart ass so I promptly set my trash down and began digging
in it for a piece of mail.
"Aha! Here, my gas bill says 455 Belden. My address."
Of course none of this even mattered because I would soon learn my
trash bin was no longer in the alley.
There was not a single dumpster/trash bin in sight.
They were all just gone...
Apparently, Chicago didn't want Mr. Biden to know we have trash
so every single one was hidden for the time being.
And I think I counted the street cleaners go by at least three times.
I wish the VP came more often, because my neighborhood
looked phenomenal yesterday.

Here's what I learned-
the party was held at the residence of 444.
Who lives here? That's still up for debate...

This is an awful photo, I know.
I actually took it today after the excitement was all over because
I was a tad shy yesterday on account of the fact I'd walked by at least 30 times.

Tickets to attend the fundraiser started at
$1500 for social hour
$3000 for cocktail hour
and $5000 for dinner.
For Joe Biden? No, thank you.
I would, however, had been willing to pay that much to have drinks with
Jason Sudeikis dressed as Joe Biden.

When he finally arrived, sadly there wasn't much to see.
It was just an entourage of 100 black SUVS
followed by police cars and an ambulance.
How's that for well spent tax money?

Just to clarify I believe these people are blocking their eyes from the sun,
and not saluting...
But maybe not.

And that was my excitement yesterday.
Tomorrow my excitement will probably have something to do with the 4th of July.
And the Target card giveaway I will be hosting.
I'm in the new mood to buy some new followers once again...
So check back if you're willing to let me buy your readership!

Happy Tuesday.


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