Very happy it's Friday.
So happy in fact I decided to celebrate at the beach for a bit.

And while laying in the sand
(and also taking photos of strangers)
I found a fun little app "PicFrame" that let's me collage my photos
like I've been seeing all the cool kids do on Instagram for awhile now.

The only downfall is this app is .99 cents.
Which in the app store is like the equivalent of $10.00 at least.
Isn't funny how in the app world where we are used to getting everything for free
suddenly anything over .99 cents seems super expensive?
I was once looking at an app and then when I realized it was $4.99
 I was appalled! Appalled!
I mean the audacity of that app creator to think I would pay almost $5. 
And yet if that app was being sold at Target for $4.99 I would have probably bought three.

Okay, enough computer time.
It's too nice out to be inside.
I'm thinking I am going to go find me a glass of Sangria somewhere.

And if I hit 300 followers today I might just have to have a glass of champagne.
But I wouldn't just be toasting myself, it would obviously be for 
Miley's pregnancy engagement, as well.
It's a Party in the USAsshole just grabbed the hottest guy ever.
Katniss is gonna be pissed.

Now make sure to head on over to
to check out my guest post as well as her very cute blog about her first years of marriage!

Time for the weekend. 

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