
If I had a bucket list, 
I would have been able to check one very large thing off it yesterday.
(But if I had a bucket list, it wouldn't be a called a "bucket list.")
Because what does that even mean?
I would never make a list on a bucket. How would you even do that?
yesterday I time traveled back to my childhood.
Kind of, I mean we all know time travel isn't really possible 
because it's actually pretty unsafe and has been known to cause Parkinsons...
Or perhaps that's just when you travel back to the future- it's still being researched.
yesterday I had the rare opportunity to travel to a house that took me back to 1990.

Do you recognize it?
It brought back so many memories.
Memories of Fuller. And that asshole Uncle Frank.
and tarantulas.
and cheese pizza. and Pepsi. and a cardboard Michael Jordan cut out.
and Christmas. Oh, Christmas at this place was the best.
and thanks to this house whenever I look at a photo of a chubby middle school girl,
I can't help but think "woof."

It's 671 Lincoln Avenue in Winnetka, Illinois.
(roughly 45 minutes from me.)
When Chris and I pulled up to it yesterday I got chills.
I almost teared up. 
It felt as if I was standing across the street from a celebrity.
But like a real legit celebrity, not a douchey "reality star" celebrity.

And what a lovely street it was on 
surrounded by all of the other Winnetka mansions.
It looked like a street where nothing bad could possibly ever happen... 

A, I'm not that lucky. Two, we use smoke detectors and D, we live on the most boring street in the whole United States of America, where nothing even remotely dangerous will ever happen. Period. 

Well said, Buzz. Well said.
So yesterday, was a good day.
Thank you John Hughes for giving us Kevin McCallister.

Next week:  Ferris Buller's BF's house, Cameron,
 in Highland Park, Illinois.

and that's a little of my weekend update!

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