Rules of the Road

Driving in Chicago is fun.
Did you know it has the 3rd worst traffic in America?
Yeah, me neither, I hardly noticed.
I hardly notice every morning when the ramp to just get on the interstate is backed 
up for at least 20 cars.
Or when I just know that if I have to be somewhere "20 miles away" 
I have to leave at least an hour early.
Nope, doesn't faze me.
Because I would rather be in my car than in an office. 
But ask me again in six months...

You know what really grinds my gears though?
When there is a very long line of traffic because one line is about to end,
and the asshole in the left lane doesn't think he has to wait like everyone else
so he zooms all the way to the front.
And then people let him in!
Why? Why do they do this?
We need to stop letting the assholes in! Period.
If we all ban together and block the assholes out maybe they'll just stay off the roads.
But that won't happen.
And I can tell you why-
because of "the car wave."
You know the wave when someone just pulls out in front of you 
and you're ready to slam into their back end just to show them,
but then all of the sudden you notice they give you an apologetic 
"car wave."
And then immediately you have to forgive them.
Because it's okay- they waved. 
It's like Car Law.

The rules of the road are just different from the rules of life.
People do things in their car they would probably never do in public.
Like picking their nose. 
Why do I always seem to pull up next to the guy digging for gold?
But he doesn't just dig,
he also has to examine the treasure he just found.
I can't figure out if some people just actually think they're invisible in their car.

I'm rambling so it's time to wrap things up.
Head on over to Perched and check out my guest post
about "When I Grow Up."
Then stick around and read all of her other posts as well!

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