The VP Next Door

Well I am beyond livid.
I've heard a little rumor that my neighbors are hosting a very fun
dinner party tonight and I am not invited.
I don't know about you, but I find that very rude.
To top it off,
they're making such a fuss about their fancy pancy party
 all of the streets surrounding my house are blocked off!
No parking. No where. None.
I had to park about ten blocks away.

That really grinds my gears.
So what if the VP is attending this stupid little party,
I want my parking spot dammit.
And by "VP" I mean the Vice President of the United States.
Good old Joey Biden.
That's the rumor anyway,
Mr. and Mrs. Biden are apparently going to be having dinner across the street this evening.
And I'll be damned if I don't snag myself an invite.
Or at least catch a glimpse of the action..
I'll set up a lemonade stand outside my house tonight if I have to.

Although I've heard that past 3:00 today anyone who wants to even come close to my hood
is going to have to show their ID to prove they live around here.
So poor Chris with his Kansas ID might have some trouble getting home tonight.
And it probably doesn't help he looks like a cross between a serial killer
and a Nazi in his driver's license photo-
(he said the lighting was bad.)

But you better believe I am going to be circling my block every 15 minutes
starting at about 4:00 pm today.
Truth be told, I've already started creeping.
Harlow and I just went on our 8th walk of the day.

This street is never empty.
It's eerily quiet...

But the action is starting to pick up.
We've seen secret service men,
secret service dogs,
and a lot of people in black suits.

Of course I'm remaining ambiguous in my green jeans and animal print flats.
I'm sure they haven't even seen me circle the grounds,
and I bet they hardly noticed when Harlow spotted a squirrel under one of the
many black SUVs and tried to dart underneath it.

I'll keep you posted.
I'm postponing all other work for the day as I've decided
it's my obligation as an American to be on the look out 
for any suspicious characters or situations.

And hopefully if I save the day I might just get that invite...
I have guacamole already made just in case-
you never want to show up to a dinner party empty handed.


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