The Happy Puppy Next Door

Every once in a while we come across situations in life
that remind us there are still some good people out there.
I came across such a thing yesterday,
and even though it's really not that big of a deal,
I just can't quit thinking about it.

So here it is.
A few weeks ago when Harlow was away at camp
(so I was extra sappy about dogs)
I noticed my neighbor had just got two new Ridgeback puppies.
They looked like this.

Which obviously reminded me of Harlow.
So whenever I saw the two pups playing outside I would stop for a moment
to watch and ooooh and awwww.

One day I saw the owner walking one puppy,
and she was pushing the other in a baby stroller.
My first reaction was,
"that's the cutest thing ever," because it really was.
And naturally I thought it was a little odd as well.
But people do weird things with their dogs. To each their own.
But then I continued to see this same situation over and over-
one little pup running along the stroller while the other looked out from
inside the stroller.

So yesterday I saw her strolling by my house and I had to say something.
I first complimented her on her two new adorable puppies, 
and then casually asked why one was always pushed in a stroller.
Here's what I learned.

Not long after she adopted the puppies, the little boy broke both his legs.
When she took him to the vet she found out that he was
born with a rare bone disease that makes it very easy for him
to break bones while he is still growing.
The girl told me the vet suggested she just "put him down"
as it was going to take a lot of work and care to get him back to normal.
But she didn't even consider it.
Instead, she puts in the extra work and care it takes to care for 
a puppy with two broken legs.

When it's time for a walk, she leashes the little girl puppy,
and the little boy puppy gets to go along in the stroller.
And they go on a lot of walks.
And when they're not walking she's playing with them in their courtyard,
she holds the boy in her arms while the girl runs around.
And the thing is, you can tell when a puppy is happy,
and the little pup who can't walk has the sweetest puppy smile I've ever seen.
He rides in that stroller and wags his tail the entire time just happy to be along.

This is a weird sappy dog post, I know.
But I just think it's so sweet and stuff like this stays with me.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend,
and when things aren't going your way remember the puppy
who couldn't walk, but managed to wag his tail anyway.

and since I'm really laying on the sap I'll go ahead and share one
of my all time favorite dog photos.

Dorothy Jane Torkelson


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