Is Magic Mike a joke?

So is this a joke
or is "Magic Mike" a real movie?
What's next, are you going to tell me the Katy Perry movie is real, as well?

I honestly thought the Magic Mike commercial was an SNL parody the first time I saw it.
And the second time I saw it. And the third.
But it's real, huh?
So I guess this means all of the "hype" about it is real too?
Like girls legitimately want to see this movie?
I just don't get it.
Is it supposed to be funny? Or like 50 Shades of Greyish?

And why does no one remember that this movie was actually
made about fifteen years ago?
It was just called something different.
Or was I the only creepy 10 year old who's parents let them watch
bizarre English films like this one?

I've only seen one live male stripper in my life. (the rest were all dead)
Ok, sorry that was a weird dead -stripper joke for a Friday afternoon,
but I set myself up for it and had to run with it.
What I meant is one in person.
And he looked nothing like Channing Tatum.
We'll pretend this is him.
(because it is)

But don't worry, I put a fake mustache on him to protect his identity.

But this looks nothing like Magic Mike.
And his "dance skills" were nothing like Channing's in Step Up.
Granted, this "strip show" was actually in the musty basement of an old college party house,
so it wasn't necessarily the most professional setting.
But never the less, it was not a good experience.
From the minute Stripper man took off his hat, to minute he put back on his wedding ring,
I kept my eyes closed.

Call me a stick in the mud, but I just don't like male strippers.
Only female.
(Jk, I was scarred by them too after they took Jessie Spano.)
I just think male strippers are awkward and uncomfortable
and have obviously been abused by overly aggressive women at some point in their life.

On second that,
I take that back.
I don't hate all male strippers.
There is one that I like that goes by the name of Chris.
Chris Farley.

How could I have almost forgotten about the first Chris who stole my heart years ago?
This scene will forever be burned in my mind as one of the best moments of TV ever.
Almost brings a little tear to my eye that both of these great men have since passed.
But I digress.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Life is too short not to celebrate the 4th of July for two consecutive weekends,
so why the hell not?

PS congrats to Angie @ Classy with a Side of Style you just won yourself
a Target gift card! Woo hoo!
So contact me at

I'm guest blogging at two blogs today,
one talks about peeing outside and the other offers great fashion tid bits,
which is which? Go find out!
A Mess of Beautiful Chaos
Love Each Day


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