The ABC's of Blogging

A all blogs are not created equally.
B but bribing people is always a great way to increase traffic.
giveaways hells yeah.

C Coding and html will most likely be the death of me.

D don't compare your blog life to other blogs,
we just have to face the fact the girl at the Daybook will always be better than us.
In. Every. Single. Way.

E every blog has its day, especially when you sponsor on bigger blogs
and give out presents, see letter "B."

F frustration has another name, it's 

G gonna have to really immerse yourself in the secret online blog club
if you ever want your blog to get "big." Took me over three years to figure this out.

H however, first rule of the blog club is never talk about the blog club.
So forget what I just said.

I Instgram is the only chance photographically challenged people like myself
have at posting halfway decent looking photos.

J just accept the fact every post is going to take twice the time
you thought it would to create.

K Keep your bloggy friends close, and your bloggy enemies closer.
You know what I'm talking about...

L Living in Yellow may or may not have inducted me into the Blog Club.
I'll just say this, there was a lot of hazing.

M Mormons are to blogging like unplanned pregnancies are to 50 Shades of Grey.
and I mean this as a compliment.

N Nobody ever said blogging was easy-
except for everyone who has never actually done it.

O only the strong will survive.
Or the very bored.

P Payed sponsors on your blog? Congrats, you've made it.

Q queen or princess, if you blog title has either in it I will not be reading.
Unless of course you mean it an ironic way, then I definitely will be.

R Rockstar Diaries should probably be called 
"Living the life straight from an Anthropology magazine 
with an adorable family to match Diaries"
- instead.

S Slow internet connections will happen.
Don't throw your computer on the ground, it doesn't help as much as you'd think.

T There will always be a blog that is better that yours.

U Unfortunately there will always be a blog that isn't quite as good, either.

V virtual friends are easier to make than real life friends.

W When in doubt, just blog about it. 
Someone will probably like it.

eXcept for Mr. Anonymous, they might give you a negative 
comment or two if you post something really dumb. 
But they're anonymous, who gives a shit.

Y yes, I do enjoy getting more followers and I honestly don't know why 
it's as gratifying as it is. I'm almost ashamed at how much it delights me.

Z zoo is one of the only "z" letters popping to mind right now. 
As you can probably imagine, I always lose at as scrabble.

And that's that.

PS- the guest blitz has began! 
Check out my post today @ The Sweet Life.

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