The 4.5 Year Mark

Today is officially me and Chris's 4.5 year mark.
Big moment, I know.
Although when I called him at work and said,
"don't you want to say something to me?"
he responded with,
"Oh yea, do we have quarters for laundry tonight?"
Wrong thing, Chris.
When I told him it's our 4.5 year anniversary, he laughed and said,
"That's today, huh?"
I knew he remembered.
One of our first nights hanging out.
(I went as Captain Blackout, he's Neil Armstrong,
a match made in heaven, I know.)

We've come along way since that Fiji frat party we met at
in the musty old basement of one of their party houses.
He said I was a little too sarcastic,
I told him I've never been accused of that before...
Which was obviously sarcastic.
But he gave me a chance anyway.

Our first date was at a weird little mexican restaurant-
because they didn't card and I couldn't handle the pressure of going on a first date without drinks.
(I'm just socially awkward like that)
And I was 20, so basically legal.
That was my first date I'd ever been on.
And will hopefully be my last because I'm awful at first dates.
I don't laugh at jokes if they're not funny (luckily Chris is funny)
and I actually judge someone pretty harshly if they tell un-funny jokes.
We bonded over movies like "Saving Silverman," 
"but it only counts as one nacho if they're all stuck together..."
and he introduced me to even dumber great movies like "Out Cold."

And just when I came home and told the roomys I thought I had finally found a guy who I didn't think was annoying and could probably be my first boyfriend
Chris dropped the ball on me he was leaving for Europe in 4 weeks.
Dick move, I know.

Then again...

What a great reason to visit.
And just for the record this is the only "kissy photo" I've ever taken.
And it will be the last.
I am  blushing right now as I post it just because this is so not me.
Look closely and you can see me smirking thinking,
oh my God this is so cliche I want to die but go with it...

And after five long months of being apart the sneaky little devil that Chris is,
came home without me knowing and surprised me on my 21st.

(at midnight.)
So I was little tipsy by then and you can imagine my shock.
I just kept repeating,
"So do you have to go back? Are you home for good?"
Drunk-me thought he just made a quick trip back for the night and was going back to Spain the next day, because I didn't actually think he was returning for another two weeks.

And I'm happy to report things only kept getting better living in the same country again.

We've always been good at keeping the fun in the relationship.
And I was able to keep the "cool girlfriend" facade going for at least three years...
But when you move in together shit starts getting real.
He uncovered all the crazy in me I tried to keep under wraps for so long.
I prefer a clean house, all the time.
I will spend at least ten minutes picking out paper towels with a seasonally appealing design
(this is a sickness my mother most DEFINITELY gave me and I hate her for it.)
I don't like dirty mirrors in the bathroom,
or shit on the counter in the bathroom.
I don't think a toaster should be left out (we barely have any counter space, people.)
And I'm a terrible person to travel with because the TSA makes me incredibly irritable.
And I spend hours on Facebook creeping on people I shouldn't... Usually girls. 
It took Chris a while to get used to this one,
I don't have a rhyme or reason I just have certain people I like to stalk, and they're usually girls because most boys are boring on social media.

And that's a bit about how we've gotten to where we are.
I like being with Chris because he makes me better,
or at least he makes me want to be better...
But it's a process. 
It's all a learning process.

Hopefully the next 4.5 years will be just as great...

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