Monday Funk

I've been in a bit of funk today.
Mondays tend to have that affect on me.
So does Chicago weather when the sun decides to go into remission for weeks at a time.
Seriously, we haven't seen the sun in like 6 days.
I'm going cray cray.
If the title "50 Shades of Grey"
had not already been taken I would use it to write a book about Chicago weather.
Although, based on what I've heard, it probably wouldn't be nearly as successful as the original "50 Shades of Grey."
I wonder if 50 Shades of Pink was already taken.
Probably would have cleared up a lot of the confusion.

Given my Cinco de Binge these past few days, 
and the fact I plan to wear fun birthday clothes this weekend,
I decided last night I was going to do a juice cleanse today.
But then I woke up this morning craving cereal... as always.
And I remembered why I don't go on cleanses or no carb diets-
I love cereal. And eating in general.
I have no problem working out, besides the fact I don't like "working out."
But if someone were to put a rock climbing wall in my backyard I'm certain I'd tone up in no time.
Or a rowing machine, the twins on the Facebook movie made that look like such a great workout.
 So until that happens I guess I will just continue to talk about exercising while doing absolutely nothing about it-
beside looking at photos on Facebook people post in their gym attire with captions like 
"go hard or go home"
"No one ever says I wish I wouldn't have gone to they gym today."
Correct, however I do wish you wouldn't have posted a photo of yourself in your tiny workout clothes.
Because it's a little weird.

I don't usually allow much time for pity parties,
but today I'm giving myself about two hours.
That's a lot of worthless self loathing, I'm aware. 
But the thing that's making me so miserable today is I have a shard of glass in my eye, 
well it could also just be dust,
or even a piece of eyelash,
but it's been there since last night and it's the most irritating/painful thing ever.
Every time I blink I wince in pain,
and then my eye waters,
which causes my nose to run.
I look like a dirty five year old with pink eye.

Now tell yourself not to blink.
And if you're like me you're going to start blinking uncontrollably.
This has been going on since 6 p.m. last night! The only relief I feel is when I close my eyes.
But that's kind of a hard thing to do when you're trying to spend your day... doing anything besides playing the game where you walk through your house 
as long as possible before opening your eyes.
Thus the reason for my Monday funk.

What a debbie downer of a post. 
Things will be brighter tomorrow, because hopefully I will be able to open both eyes.

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