21 vs 25

In case you haven't noticed 
(from every post I've been writing since basically the start of May)
my 25th birthday is Wednesday, May 16th.
Now it's not because I'm that self absorbed, I promise.
I just honestly love birthdays.
Love love love them.
And it's not just mine though, I love your birthday even.
Send me your address and I will send you a card.

Today as I was doing some shopping in preparation of my guests that are coming to town this weekend,
I was attempting to buy some bottles of wine when I realized I had forgotten my I.D, 
which is like the most annoying thing ever because the store clerk didn't even bat an eye when telling me I had to put the alcohol back...

So that led me to start thinking about that illusive 21st bday...
and how long ago it feels.

A few differences between turning 21 and 25

When I turned 21 I was little bummed only a "few friends"came out with me

Mind you about 20 more showed up...

As I turn 25 I have TWO friends coming to Chicago and my sister! and I'm beyond ecstatic.

When I turned 21 I shopped for three weeks for the perfect bday dress...

This year I might be wearing the same one.
But who am I kidding, I'll probably be in jeans.

I prepared for my super sweet 21st by making jello shots and tequila popsicles and every other stupid alcohol treat you can imagine.

Now I can't wait to make banana bread for my "party"... And maybe some guac if I'm feeling extra crazy.

At 21 I was a little nervous about taking 21 shots...
Now I'm nervous about taking a shot. 

When I turned 21 the night didn't seem long enough.

At 25 I'm strategically planning how I can get myself to last until at least midnight.

If you were the drunkest one in the bar people noted, "it's her 21st," followed by an understanding smile.

Now if you're the drunkest one in the bar someone would say, "it's her 25th" followed by a judgmental glare.

At 21 we rolled about 20 people deep when going out

Now I can often be found at the club alone, just hanging out by the speakers.

I'm totally kidding, I don't go out alone. I swear I was with people this night. 
And the only club I've ever been to is the Babysitters club.

At 21 most of my friends had found boyfriends.
Now they have husbands.

Couples started getting doggies.
Now they're getting babies.

Some of us were buying our first cars (that weren't from our parents)
and now it's on to houses... 

and you know what, some of us are still renting and that's A-okay.

Such is the progression of life.

And thanks to Facebook Timeline,
we have it all documented now.

Cheers to another year and whatever it may bring.

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