Over the weekend..

Another great weekend has come and gone here in Chicago.
Friday night Chris and I headed to our favorite burger bar in Lincoln Park, Dukes.
It's a great little corner spot on Clarks you'd barely notice if just walking by.

This place is sickly good. Sickly good in the fact that when you're done eating you're so full you're sick. 
I think the menu has like over 30 burger options. 
I went "light" and opted for the peppercorn ostrich burger.
Chris order the Mac'N' Cheese burger. Which is exactly what you'd think.
Afterward we headed next door to the Wiener's Circle for a chocolate shake.

I'm kidding. 
But if you don't know what the Wiener's Circle is check out their reality show on TV right now. And then google "Wiener Circle chocolate shake" and you'll get a good idea what that means- just don't google it at work or anything. Or do. It would be damn pretty funny either way.

And then on Saturday I got my ass handed to me at the dog park.
A dog the size of a bear ran right into me out of nowhere and nearly broke my leg.
And when I said the size of a bear, I actually meant the size of a dingo.
But that little dingo was all muscle. I think it was on P90 X or something.
I googled dingo dog and this image came up. It actually did look something like this, except it had two eyes.
 I seriously thought the bastard cracked my shin bone.
 I knew I should I have worn my shin guards to the park.

When I got home there was a bruise on my shin the size of a golf softball.
So for the remainder of my Saturday I posted up on the couch watching HBO with a glass of wine and a bag of ice on my shin.
It felt just like my Saturdays in high school.
Except my wine would have been Gatorade and HBO would have been watching Love & Basketball on repeat.
Monica's last high basketball game still brings me to tears. Why couldn't she have just made that 3 pointer...

Anyway. Today I've pretty much just been wasting time waiting for 9:00 p.m. to come around so I can watch me some Mad Men and HBO's newest show, Girls.
I'm pretty much obsessed with both.
Especially Girls, I feel like that show is about me.
I mean if I were a rich girl living in NYC who's parents paid for everything...
Other than that, it's totes about me. 

And that was my weekend.
Well that and a few more Harlow pics...

Big Monday tomorrow. 
New life starts at 7:00 a.m... maybe 8:30. 
No more Mac'n cheese burgers, I'm eating healthy all week.
And I'm going to start working out-ish.
It's going to be fun. ish.

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