Big Things to Come this Week

So last night after Judd Apatow tweeted me 
Brittany Love over at BLoved blog tweeted back that "it must be a sign of big things to come this week."
And I really couldn't agree more.
For starters, Judd tweeted me. Or "retweeted" me if you want to get technical. 
Technical schmetical.

The bottom line is that Mr. Apatow (my hero) and myself are basically besties now. 
We communicate via social media, which is basically the same thing as texting.
See, I'm right up there below the Simpsons character and the glasses man.
And I can honestly say I never thought I'd be one of "those twitter" people.
The type who gets their jollies off of thinking celebs know them just because they clicked "retweet."
But I am. I so am.
Judd doesn't know it, but he may have opened up a can of worms.

Next on my lineup of "big things this week," is my big interview in less than two hours.
I might be one of the few people in this world who actually enjoys interviews. I love them. 
I think it's the thespian in me. It's my time to perform.
But at the same time, I hate the person I become in those sixty minutes.
If anyone I knew were to actually see "interview Taylor" in action I would want to die.
I schmooze, I giggle, I say things like "right on." Kidding, I don't. But I might today.

Because I think I really want this job.
You see I used to have a job, long long ago, in which I made my own schedule. 
I didn't work summers. Or anything within two weeks of Christmas, Thanksgiving, or NYE, or really any day deemed a "holiday" in a generic Office Max planner.
And I sure as hell didn't work past 3:00 p.m. Never.
So today as I got in my car to drive to the interview (as opposed to that dreaded public transportation)
I rolled down the windows, put on a little Hall and Oates and
I felt home.
I think I'm ready to return to my car-office. It's been long enough.

If I have to work and be inside during the day, I might as well be in a car where I can at least feel the sunshine on my face. And see the spring flowers bursting from the ground.

So I'm really hoping for the best today.
I'll keep ya updated- unless of course something terrible happens and I make some sort of interview faux paux by getting nervous and trying to make up for it by telling some awkward and uncomfortable Sandusky or Casey Anthony joke. 
It wouldn't be the first time. 
I tell bad jokes when I'm uncomfortable. Always have.

And one last thing on the list of "big things this week."
The little book that could, A Bottle For You. A Bottle For Me, is making strides. We are selling copies left and right and couldn't be more excited about it. 
SO thank you thank you thank you everyone who has purchased one! 
We are so grateful!

I walked my ass into Urban Outfitter this weekend and demanded they sell it, 
and then the 16 year old with the dragon tattoo behind the counter told me to call their buyer at corporate.
So I plan to do just that. 

I gotta get shit done. My 25th is almost three weeks away. And I'll be damned if I'm going to have one of those cliche quarter life crisis. No sir, not me. I had my quarter life crisis at Disney when I was ten years old and I told myself that was the only one I was allowed.

What ten year old honestly likes coconut cake? 
I decided right then and there that life may be hard,
but I'm harder.

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