I don't watch much TV,
is what I used to say when I liked to pretend I didn't watch a lot of TV.
But now I think you'd just be ignorant not to watch all of the good shows the wonderful world of television has to offer currently.
Especially on Sunday nights.
I can barely contain my excitement for 
2. Mad Men
3. Real Housewives of New Jersey (I have to watch some filth to make me feel okay about my own life.)

My favorite right now being GIRLS- 9:00 p.m. on HBO. 
If you don't have HBO loosen up the pockets and get it- says the girl who got it just because it's free in Chicago for the next three months.
it's about four post college girls struggling their way through NYC.
Original, I know.
But it's a lot darker, a lot more sarcastic and not nearly as glittery and Jimmy Choo'd as Sex and the City.
Some people don't like this about the show,
at this stage in my life, I do.
(because I'm a sassy city girl struggling my way through Chicago, obviously.)

So what if all of the actresses come from real life rich New York families.

 (going left to right)
1. Allison Williams- you might recognize her father, Brian Williams. You know, from a little show called NBC Nightly News.

2. Jemima Kirke- her father was the drummer in the band Bad Company.

3. Lena Dunahm- her father is some famous photographer in NYC and her mother is an actor.
Lena is also the 25 year old writer, director and producer of the show.
If that doesn't make you feel shitty about your own 24 year old life, I don't know what would. 

4. Zosia Mamet- Her grandfather was one of the writers of "The Sound of Music."

I happen to think it's fun to watch rich people act like they're poor.

Favorite quotes thus far:

"Um, it's more of like a Forrest Gump inspired fear." (on aids)

and I thought I was the only one.

But if the image of Jenny strung out on heroine standing on a ledge in a glittery top on new years eve doesn't scare you away from dirty drug needles, I don't know what would.

"I hate any bar where they call the bartenders mixologists."
So do I. 
What's next, should we start calling fast food workers foodologists?

"I never know when I'm going to get my period, that's why all of my underwear have weird dark spots all over them."
Noooooo. Too much. But this is why I like GIRLS, they make it too much, quite often.

"I don't do coke. It makes me shit my pants."
Reason #87 why I am too scared to try hard drugs. 

"She's so self absorbed, who is late for their own abortion?"
Abortions aren't funny.
But I couldn't help but chuckle at this line.
Although, I have no way to relate to it because I'm from Nebraska and we don't have abortions there, we just raise the baby in our parents basement the Amurican way. 

I'll stop there because I can see I'm not doing Lena Dunham any justice.
You have to hear them straight from her cynical little mouth.

Tune in.
Unless you're easily offended, in that case you probably shouldn't be reading this blog then, either.

Monday is just hours away. Get excited.

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