The Ten Most Fascinating People of 2013

Well guys, it would appear as if old Babs McGee beat me to the announcement of The Ten Most Fascinating People of 2013 yet again! I had it all planned out this year that I was going to reveal my list one day before her's, but apparently her people must have gotten wind of this because they went ahead and let their list leak a day early. So typical of Babs to do something like that.

You may remember my lists from last year, part one and part two. Well this year was just as difficult to choose only ten, so why waste any more time? It's time to reveal the first five ...

#1. People Who Still Believe Instagram Deals Are Real. 
As in "The First 50 People Who Like/Repost This Page Will Get a Free Pair of Raybans!"
The first few times I saw these posts (like two years ago) were kind of exciting and confusing (yet I still knew they weren't real.) Finally, I thought we were all on to this by now, but surprisingly enough I still see one pop up from time to time from hopeful Instagrammers. And that fascinates me.

#2. Tish Cyrus.
What's better than having a mom? A mom who is like totally your bestfriend, ya'll! Move on over, Dina Lohan, Tish is the new hot mom in Hollywood! How come I had a boring mom who wouldn't let me do drugs or dance naked in front of the world for all to see? I can't imagine how different my life would have been had I been lucky enough to have a mom who supports selling yourself at all costs in the name of fame. Keep on rockin, Tish Tash! And let's get a move on Smiley's little sister already. She's damn near thirteen, why haven't we seen her twerking yet?

#3. The Creator of The Obama Care Website.
I don't know who this person is, but they're fascinating to me. To be able to smooth talk their way through so many interviews to the point of actually landing this job when they clearly had no idea what they were doing? That's impressive. I wonder if they had to quick order the "How to Build a Government Healthcare Site for Dummies." In all fairness, it's said the site is supposed to be to handle up to 50,000 users at a time before it starts having problems. "That's more than enough!" said one man from 1752. Unfortunately it's 2013 and our country now has over 315 million people.

#4. Elf. As in Elf on the Shelf.
 It's fascinating to me how so many people on Pinterest like to spend hours creating bizarre activities for this guy to do. But am I the only one who wants to know a little backstory on him? What warrants him the right to bounce around your house watching your children's every move from various creepy hiding spots? Call me old fashioned, but I like to think only Santa is responsible for deciding who is naughty or nice. I just don't like the idea of some little snitch hanging around all the time reporting back to the big guy, I think it sends the wrong message. Maybe I'll just start my own tradition, it's gonna be called Snitch in the Ditch.

#5. Lamar Odom
Lamar or "Lammy" is the gift of 2013 that just keeps on giving. The drugs, the cheating, the disappearing act, the rap video. It's been said recently that he's going to leak even more truths behind the Kardashian family if they don't pay up. Even though I hate to admit it, I kinda want to know what these dirty truths are that Kris Jenner Flajnik is doing everything within her power to prevent from coming out. Perhaps Kris and Bruce aren't actually separated but it's a huge coverup because she actually ate him?  Weirder things have happened on the show.

Anyway guys, that's the first five of my list. Tune in next week to see my other five picks!

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