
It's always a pleasure to have this gal on the blog, I'm talking about Setarra from Quaintrelle.

1. Give us a little intro about your blog. A Quaintrelle is a woman who emphasizes a life of passion through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm and cultivation of life’s pleasure… Overall, this is the kind of woman I aspire to be and it’s on my blog where I share bits of my personal life & style, my passion for the arts, exploring new places, eating good food (esp. chocolate) and burgeoning interest for photography. If you want the less eloquent version, it’s pretty much a glorified online space for personal photo dumpage and elongated captions.

2. What are two posts you've written recently you really like and why? I recently moved down to the DC area after living in NYC for two years and shacked up with my boyfriend (now fiancĂ©). After my move, I recapped my NYC adventures in a post that makes me feel so lucky to have experienced everything I did while living there. I also wrote a post about how the transition from long distance to living together was going… Annnnd it’s one of my favorites because I was pretty darn honest about everything I’ve learned since moving in together. I even talked about spooning farts. How much more honest can you get?

3. What is on your holiday wish list this year? A Canon Rebel T3i, a pair of Nike Free Flyknits, an REI travel backpack and a Life Planner/Organizer.

4.  What do you love most about the holidays?Christmas ale, all the yummy food and twinkling lights at night. In that order.

5. Will you be making any new years resolutions this year? I’m not really into resolutions but I did make a to-do list. I think more things get done when I make a to-do list as apposed to resolutions. So far, my 2014 to-do list includes getting a DSLR camera and taking a photography class, buying a new pair sunglasses (I lost my favorite pair when my kayak turned over this past summer), traveling to France and Iceland, maintaining a 4.0 GPA for my grad school classes (I’m working on my Master’s in Arts Management) and going to a casino… Because I’m 26 and it’s a little embarrassing to admit buttttt I’ve never been to a casino before. Ever. It’s a damn shame I tell ya.

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