Not Before My Tea

Introducing fellow Chicagoan, Nicole from Not Before My Tea.

1. So I know you're semi-new to Chicago and I'm dying to know what you think of it so far?

If you asked me a week ago, I would have said I absolutely love it.  So much to do and more importantly, so much amazing food.  I moved here in March from South Florida so just the fact that seasons exist here was great (as evidenced in the picture below).  But then this weekend happened where I think it got above 20 degrees maybe once.  In the sun.  I guess I just have this thing with my face where I like feeling it.  So I guess check back with me after the winter's over!

2. What are two posts you've written recently you really like and why?

I liked the post I wrote about maps of the USA a lot because it was funny to see my friend (a high school cross country coach) use her power of authority for my personal entertainment.  I also really liked this post about holiday travel because it made me laugh to write (and confirmed that I think I'm way funnier than anyone else does).

3. What are your holiday plans?

I'm going home for a whole week to Maryland!  I'm from the Baltimore area and am so excited to see my family.

4. How are you liking your first holiday season in the city? Is it cold enough for you?

I think I covered this in my first answer but I don't want to make it sound like I'm a total Debbie Downer.  It was 71 degrees yesterday in West Palm Beach (where I was living before).  Michael Buble's Christmas album just doesn't sound as good when you're wearing shorts!  (It's true.)

5. Lastly, how did you come up with the name of your blog?

Well, "Not Before my Bloody Mary" just had too many syllables.

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