Give Me a New Face

So about those head-shots yesterday... The studio was in a cool old building in Wicker Park and I truly felt like a princess as I sat in the makeup chair while the makeup artist tried to cover up my sun-spots (or big freckles as I like to call them) and caked on layers of something creamy under my eyes. I never thought I had dark circles under my eyes until I saw the amount of product used on them. As it turns out, I don't wear enough makeup. 

Anyway, I absolutely loved the photographer as well as her stylist and am so excited to see the final pics. Out of 500 shots there's got to be at least a few decent ones, right? Here's a sneak peak...

The quality might be a little blurry, but hey this is the 90s what's it matter? Okay you caught me, I'm kidding. This was immediately after I got done and I was so excited that I survived I gave myself a candy cane. Here's a real one-

Would you look at that hand on the hip? You can't teach that pose. You may notice this photo is more than just my head, well that's because the photographer told me I have a great "Midwest look" so I could probably pick up some "small print ads." Translation: I'm homely looking and might fit in well in a Wal-Mart or Aldi advertisement playing a trashy aunt or young mom. Yessssss! I'll show you a few more as I sort through them. In the meantime, if you're one of my actor pals I highly suggest checking out ZoeMcKenzie Photography, everything about the experience was absolutely wonderful. 

Anyway, I really don't think we give models enough credit. I thought this to myself yesterday during my second hour of posing for head-shot photos as the hip photographer yelled things like "just relax and have fun" and "give us more movement" and "stare down the camera." Think about all of that for a second and then imagine what you would do. Wanna know what I did? I went into dog-in-a-costume mode and just completely froze. I was fine when she would tell me how to sit or stand or where to place my arms, but when it came time to "switch it up on my own" I panicked and acted like I'd never seen a camera before in my life. And then I put my hand on my hip.

And then there was the whole "give me a new face" request. When the photographer said this to me I wanted to reply, I've been trying to do that my entire life, but this is all I've got. And it's true. I can only smile and occasionally half-smile. I really need to work on my serious face. But like I've said before, I go into Stephanie Tanner mode and my jaw gets all stiff and suddenly my chin looks extra huge. Maybe when I'm feeling more self confident and am ready to laugh at myself I'll show you some of my more serious Zoolander photos.

And now I've run out of time. Have a great Thursday!

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