What Is Important To Our Society, According To The Instagram Popular Page

The Instagram popular page is one of the great mysteries of the world to me. While I have no idea who any of the people are on that page, that doesn't stop me from occasionally stopping by. It's like when I see an engagement on Facebook, I may not have known that person, but that never stops me from creeping on their engagement photo shoot.

So right now at this very moment, here are just five images that are apparently important (or like-worthy) to our society of social media lovers.

Because why shouldn't rice cakes and organic peanut butter get over 7,000 likes? Oh, can't forget that Coconut water. You know what I've heard coconut water tastes like? Never mind. I'm just happy to know @myhealthydish is able to eat healthy even though she is low on groceries! How awkward would it have been if she wouldn't have found any food to photograph otherwise?

And over 10,000 people seem to like a family of Bull Dogs sitting on some stairs. I'm just surprised it's only got 10,000. This photo has 50,000 likes written all over it. I mean c'mon, it's dogs on steps! It just doesn't get much better than that. Because the top guy is smiling and the little black one is all like "hey, what you looking at?" 

Deena, I'm assuming from an old show I used to hear of occasionally called "Jersey Shore," is almost to 6,000 likes with her "Oh just going to school!" photo. Love it, Deena! I just wish her style hadn't evolved so much over the years. I'm really digging this denim romper.

Rob Kardashian's Asian brother? This guy has almost 25,000 likes! And I can see why, look at those dark eyes hiding under the brush of that beautiful dark hair! Sing it to me, Seungriseyo! 

And the best for last. ThammyCaldeira's right side of her face. Can you imagine how many like she might have gotten had she posted the left side as well? Always keep us wanting more, Thammy. Always keep us wanting more.

And there you have it, what's important to our society according to Instagram.

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