The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers

I've been playing around a bit with the book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, it's on the stack with the hundreds of other self help/how-to-be-successful books I own. (Clearly they're all working wonders.) But it got me thinking about the habits of the successful bloggers that I follow. And no, I'm not just talking about the two gorgeous blondes who have been gracing my Instagram for the past few days while at New York Fashion Week together and are clearly new besties... You know who you are. And God love ya for it.

I'm talking about all of the successful bloggers in general. I understand that success means something different to everyone. So let's just say if you've managed to make a full time career out of blogging and you clearly enjoy doing it, that to me is a success.

Thus I present to you,

(At least this is what it seems like they're doing from my end, anyway.)

1. They're Bold.
Whether it be with their content, or with their outfit choices if they're fashion bloggers, something about them isn't cookie-cutter. But there's a fine line between bold and doing something just for shock value, for example I'm going to call bullshit if you throw together a fashion post of you wearing nine inch heels with a rainbow flowy skirt and a chambray shirt and call it "momma's day out." No thanks, Courtney Love. Same goes for the bloggers who post something that has "controversy" written all over it. Are you writing about this topic because you genuinely care about it, or because you know it's going to bring you 10,000 hits today? The bloggers I tend to gravitate toward have found the perfect balance.

2. They're reliable and consistent.
Notice how the best bloggers are consistently posting new content five-six times a week? That's pretty damn hard, but some of my favorites run their blogs like a fine oiled machine. It's their job after all, and it's evident they take it pretty seriously.

3. They're actually posting good stuff.
Again, this is a preference thing but to me "good stuff" is content that gets readers engaged and let's them actually take something away from what they just read, and isn't like every other post out there. I'm also a big believer in it's not what you do, but how you write it. Some of my favorite bloggers simply post about their day-to-day activities, but their writing is so strong and entertaining, I love reading about it. I don't give a damn if you're touring Europe with a traveling circus, if you write like an illiterate circus monkey, I'm not going to read. Then again that might be a stretch, if you're in a traveling circus in Europe I will probably read, that sounds kinda interesting.  If you want to read one of my favorite posts from today, check out Bon's.

4. They're posting great photos.
Now I'm kind of going to contradict what I said in #3, because some of my favorite fashion bloggers don't write much at all, but in this case their photos make up for it. Truth be told, I like looking at pretty photos of pretty fashion. I could just be making excuses because I realize my photos aren't exactly high quality, but I feel like if you're a fashion blogger it's even more crucial to take a lot of really great photos. I could be wrong, but isn't that the point of fashion blogging? To show off beautiful clothes in beautiful photos? Becky at Cella Jane is one of my favorite fashion bloggers. Everything she posts is wearable and actually affordable. And it's not just a bunch of "c/o" outfits so I know it's actually her real fashion.

5. They know who they are, so in turn, it makes me feel like I know who they are.
It's hard to find you niche or voice in the blogging world, but in my opinion, this is one of the most important things. Just like in actual life, if you're not authentic on your blog what's the point? We're here to read about your life, after all.

6. They rise above.
Nothing turns me off faster from a blog than a girl going off on rant about all of her "haters." And for that matter, nothing turns me off more than the word "hater" either. Negativity comes with the territory of being a bigger blogger, and I think what I respect most about some of my favs is the fact they simply choose to rise above it. With more followers only comes more naysayers, I think it's a shame it has to be this way but it's just a fact of the matter.

7. They're adaptable.
The blogging world is constantly changing. So as a blogger you have to remain on your toes. I'm not talking about changing your page design every month, I actually kinda like to see a page stay the same for a good chunk of time (again, just a preference thing.) I'm more so just talking about a blogger's overall attitude toward change and adaptability. I think the important thing here is to never say never. I remember when Passionfruit ads first rolled out and I actually saw several bloggers get upset about them, as if they were pissed someone was coming in to make their life easier. "I will never use this site because I prefer to interact with my readers" was a common phrase I saw floating around. wank wank... Six months later, we're all board. Moral of the story- be open to change. It's not always a bad thing.

And there you have it, seven habits I've noticed from some of the best bloggers I read. Take it for what you want.

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