Taylor Wears Yoga Pants

And now for the girl who needs no introduction, my yoga pant wearing bestie,
Whitney Ellen.

Hey there, Daily Tay reader. If you're looking for Taylor, she's not here today, she's off in some cabin with no WIFI and her red sandals, just being the American patriot she is. So inspirational, that one.

I'm aware guest posts aren't most people's favorite read, so let's try and make this as painless as possible, shall we?

I guess I should introduce myself first. I'm Whitney and you can find me over at my blog, 
I Wore Yoga Pants to Work. Here is what I look like sometimes when I'm trying to be a decent blogger with quality photos:

Don't be fooled, photos like that are few and far between around my parts... which will probably be a disappointment to you Daily Tay fans, seeing as she always has the highest quality photos in blog land and she's always so damn cocky about them too.

Anyways, today I'm going to tell you a little story about Tay and how she, unknowingly, almost sold me and my blog out to a group of people in my real life that have no idea I live a double life as a Blog Master Flex.

You see, I was out at a bar one night, chatting with said group of people when Saturday Night Live came up. As you all know our little comedian super star, Taylor, is going to be on SNL before we know it and as her friend I personally take pride in such a thing. So, when the topic was brought up and I quickly jumped in to the conversation with vengeance, bragging about my funny friend Taylor, who lives in Chicago, was totally going to be the next SNL superstar, I got quite the reaction.

Except I forgot to think that whole thing through before I blurted it out 
(shout out to Miller Lite for that one) and then everyone paused in silence, looked at me, 
and asked "who?".
"Oh... you know... just this... uh, person. This person I know. She has blonde hair and stuff."

Here's where I realize I'm with friends from college, so I definitely can't use that as my answer.
Here's also where I realize I've never been to Chicago, 
so I can't really dig out anything pertaining to that.

How. The. Hell. do I know Taylor? I had nothing.
So, I did what any rational person would do, I told them Taylor was my cousin.

Wait what?

Yeahh... not my fastest thinking ever but I dodged that bullet. I think.
They all kind of looked at me like I was still nuts, which isn't really too far from the truth so I'm pretty used to those kind of looks.

Anyways, the moral of this story is that if you're like Tay and I, who keep our blogging double lives on the DL, come up with a back story. Or don't blurt out random facts about them over drinks at the bar. Just take my word for it, unless you enjoy awkward situations where you are forced dub someone you've never actually met in real life as your relative.

If I haven't thoroughly freaked you out (what's wrong with you?), come stop by and say hello to me over around my parts. I promise not to claim you as my relative. Or maybe I will.


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