
If my morning has gone according to plan, I am currently enroute to Colorado Springs
to celebrate the wedding of my gorgeous friend Codi,
 and her wonderful husband-to-be, Domingo (the guy, not the Spanish weekend day.)

And simply because I'm in the mood to get a little crazy today, I'm going to stray from my normal
Best Week Ever post, and instead switch it up with a new little edition of

REALLY!?! featuring Taylor, not Seth and Amy,
(sorry, I too was disappointed they didn't respond to my e-invite to join in.)

Don't worry I'm not dumping BWE, I just got a wild hair today and decided it would be fun to write a recap of the week in a different format.

The Government Monitoring Internet Usage.
People are really upset over this? Really? For a generation that likes to record our every last bowel movement there sure seems to be a lot of hype over this.
Hint: If you're posting on social media that you're mad about this "invasion of privacy," chances are you also posted what you had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
as well as the gym where you ran it all off- with a photo to boot. Killer guns, bro!
Besides, once you started planting farms online you deserved to lose your privacy, anyway.
I'm sorry, but you know it's true.
Unless you were born before 1970 and still only use "electronic mail" as your main source of online communication,  it's all free game as far as I'm concerned.

Miss Utah's Worst Answer Ever.

Why is everyone ragging on this pretty girl so hard? Really? But really?
Because by golly it's hard to smile and talk at the same time, you try it!
Besides, her question was pretty darn hard.
"Why do women breadwinners continue to make less than men?"
I for one think her response was pretty spot on,
"....I think especially the men are seen as leaders of this and so we need to figure out how to create education better so we solve this problem."
Exactly, Marissa! Let's let the men fix this problem, I couldn't agree more.
Until then, the women should remain in the kitchen (baking award winning bread loaves)
 while the men "create" the education.
Well done, Utah, well done!
Really though, Marissa I support you. Who hasn't been tongue tied when put on the spot before!

James Gandolfini.

Really? Why God why? Really though? Why?
RIP Jimmy boy, may you be feasting on all the spaghetti and meatballs a guy could ask for.
You were one of the greats.

The Heat.

Really? The Heat won it all?
(That's all I have to say about this one because I really don't know much more.)
I'm just glad I don't have to ask Chris one more time, so what game is this? 
If I did I think he was ready to break up with me. Really though.

On another note, how is today already June 21st?
Like really? 4th of July is less than two weeks away!
Listen to Sheryl Crow my friends, and soak up that sun while you can!

Kimye's Baby.

Why are people so concerned with the name of this illegitimate child? Really though?
She could be named Emily Rose for all I care (or North West.)
 I haven't not cared about a baby this much since Suri Cruise started sprouting in her petri dish.
If you don't care why are you posting about her then... Because I needed another topic...

Blurred Lines.

Some people are seriously bitching about this song, Blurred Lines? Really?
They're saying it's too "rapey!" Really?! Get a grip, it's just a song.
Besides, there are plenty worse songs out there right now.
And nothing about Robin Thicke is "rapey." His father is Dr. Seaver for God's sake!


C'mon guys, are we really already over this? Really?
We'll talk about Amanda Byne's wigs for months and yet we'll let this gem of a woman just
disappear after fifteen seconds? Really? I won't stand for it.

But really, June 21st is the first official day of summer!
And it's the weekend, that's reason enough to be happy about this day.
Cheers to kicking off summer, hope you're able to make the most of it. Really though.

I'm off to get my wedding on.

*Government officials: If you'd like to monitor my weekend while I play the role of "bridesmaid"
 follow along on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe


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