Lola Grace

I have had the song "Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl..." in my head since Friday morning.
It just keeps playing and playing and it won't stop. Luckily it's a great song.
Obviously this little bundle of joy is the reason I have had said song in my head.

Lola Grace
She is teeny tiny with more hair than I had at age ten.
She sashayed her way into life Friday morning and I have barely heard her make a peep since,
as opposed to Knox who made sure the entire hospital knew he had arrived.
Speaking of that little guy... the honeymoon is over for him and I.
Take everything I said in last week's post and completely disregard it.

Right as we were walking into the hospital last Friday I tried to get a quick photo of him,
so this is what he gave me, followed by an immediate "NO!"

I knew he was toying with me, I should have never let my guard down like I did.
He played me for a fool.
He took one look at Lola, apparently realized she wasn't going to be a threat,
and went back to treating me like the circus monkey he thinks I am.
"Dance Tay-Tay!"
"Sit Tay-Tay!"
"Open this Tay-Tay!"
"Go Tay-Tay!"
"NO! NO! NO!"

Have you ever argued with a two-year-old?
They're completely illogical and they certainly won't be reasoned with.
It's like talking to a... two-year-old.

I just don't think Knox realizes Lola is here to stay.
And she might prove to be some tough competition, after all.

Harlow certainly likes her.
She doesn't squirt him with water or pull on his tail or throw Goldfish at his face from a close distance.
And look at that face, she's already scheming how to takeover Knox's reign.

I'm willing to be the bigger person and reconcile with Knox whenever he is ready.
But I'm not willing to let him humiliate me again and act like I'm his best-friend,
only to know that he and all of his Sesame buds are laughing at me behind my back.
"T is for Tay-Tay's an idiot!"

That's really all I've got for now. It's back to the grind of city life today.
Did I mention my mom and Knox are coming to stay in Chicago for four days next week?
Last time he stayed with me for that long I felt compelled to write an ironic children's book.
Perhaps a sequel is in store...


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