The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

Guys, I think I've caught the acting bug again.
(I had it once previously when I was a child actor for the Norfolk Community Theatre.)

I had an absolute blast at my audition yesterday, that is after I got over the fact I was most definitely
the least "professional" actor in the room.
Everyone had their glossy head-shots in hand,
 all fancy and stuff with their names printed under their photo.
I had a sickly large 8x10 close-up of my big face that I had printed from Walgreens twenty minutes prior, which to be completely honest looked more like a caricature than a head-shot.
Needless to say, I resisted turning over my photo until the very last second.

After we submitted our acting resumes and applications,
(I'll talk about my "acting resume" in another post sometime)
 we were led into a room with about seven writers.
They were all sitting behind a big table sizing us "actors" up and down as we walked in.
We were then instructed to introduce ourselves and sing a few lines of a song.
I don't sing. I am seriously awful.
So when it was my turn I introduced myself and then said,
"For my song I'm going to sing Scrub by TLC, as Alanis Morissette."
Toss that one around in your head for a second...
It was a bold move, I know.
But sometimes when you're just starting off you gotta do what you can to stand out.
For my read-through, I played a bitter wife named Amy.
Without meaning to, I think I accidentally played Amy as Joan Crawford in Mommy Dearest.
My nostrils flared, my voice was hoarse with resentment, and I think I may have even yelled
"No more wire hangerssssss!" at one point...

Again, another bold move I probably should have thought through a little more.
Let's just say I'm not expecting a call back.

But enough about my theatrical pursuits, it's time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

First up, I think we can all agree
Chris Humphries is have a pretty great week.

I know I'm being insensitive by saying this, but I freaken love how long he has managed
to draw out this divorce.
Hump had my heart the moment I heard him say to Kim,
"Four years ago you were folding clothes at a boutique in the Valley. 
No one's gonna care about you after you have kids."
Classic Chris, I love it.
They're back in court again today trying to reach a settlement,
I'm hoping Chris holds out until he's awarded Kim's unborn baby.

Next on my list I gotta make a shout out to the greek system,
more specifically the
Delta Gammas at the University of Maryland.

If you haven't read the letter making its way around the internets
wrote from one DG to her fellow sisters expressing to them her disappointment for their lack of spirit during Greek Week,
(she may have voiced it a little differently) 
I highly recommend you stay away. Because it's brutal.
If you hold a seashell up to your ear and listen real closely,
I believe you can still hear the faint whisper of sorority sisters across the nation crying in shame.
And you can also hear GDIs everywhere screaming "we knew it!!!"

Thanks to the Biebs,
Anne Frank 
has also been in the news more than usual as of late.

After visiting her house last week, Justin Bieber was so moved by the experience
he signed the guest book saying something along the lines of,
"Anne Frank was a great girl, hopefully she would have been a Belieber."
Well said, Justin!
I'm sure somewhere in between hiding for her life and
writing journal entries about being tortured for her religion,
she would have been making heart symbols with her hands and singing
one less lonely girl with the best of them.

And I suppose if I'm being fair I have to mention
(given tomorrow's date.)

I've hated 4/20 ever since I used to work in high schools on this day and had to listen
to annoying teenagers act as if they were the first people to ever smoke marijuana.
Question- if a stoner trips in the forest but no one is around to hear it, does he make a sound?
Yes, because he's actually in his living room. (he's just tripping)
What am I saying though, celebrate away, my ganja loving friends.
Just resist the urge to tell everyone about it...

But most importantly,
the last thing I'd like to mention might not seem like it's having the best week ever,
but I know she'll come out okay.
I'm talking about America.
First there was the terrible bombing in Boston and then the awful Texas explosion Wednesday night.
Yesterday half of Chicago was underwater because of serious flooding,
while parts of the Midwest is covered in a blanket of snow.
And yet we continue on, because that's what we do.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Knock us down and we're just going to get right back up.
We're Americans.

And that's all I've got.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, make the most of it.


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