No time for small talk today my friends.
There's Bloody Marys to be drank, and Friday shenanigans to be had.
So let's get right into it.
Time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
The Seabiscuit taco. Also known as the Mr. Ed taco.
Because Taco Bell is the latest fast food chain that was discovered to have horse meat in their ingredients.
And if anyone is seriously surprised by this, well then I am surprised by you.
How else would you explain a Crunch Wrap that costs only $3.74?
Or "chicken" quesadillas that run about .19 cents a piece.
Here's a little rule of thumb, if you can feed a family of five for less than $10,
it's time to be weary.
Speaking of weary, you know what else is having a great week?
The Titanic.
An Australian billionaire recently announced his plans to build an exact replica of the Titanic that will set sail as soon as 2016.
Over 40,000 people are rumored to have already expressed interest in climbing on board.
And I don't see why not, cruise ships have been having the best year ever as of late.
Sign me up!
And then we've also got
Tanning Beds having one helluva week, as well.
They are getting so much free press this week thanks to this woman.
You guys remember Tan Lady, right?
Well she was just cleared this week from all child endangerment charges
brought against her regarding allegations she forced her six year old to go into a tanning booth.
But I don't know what the big deal is. She was just trying to be a good mom to her youngest daughter.
Looking tan is sexy, everyone knows that.
I just can't believe no one has mentioned Magda's oldest daughter throughout this entire story.
Then again,
no one mentions this girl anymore so it really shouldn't be that big of a shocker.
You know who's not having a good week?
Chubby Kids.
Michelle Obama was back at it this week here in Chicago running her usual sweat shop
forcing perfectly happy little Butterballs to try and shape up.
The inner fat kid in me just wants to scream,
lay off and let me drink my Cheeto bag if I want!
First Lady is ruthless when it comes to this.
I have a feeling if we did a raid of Sasha and Malia's room right now we'd find Halloween candy
from the 90s.
And finally, the one thing that is really having the best week ever is
any song
BUT the Harlem Shake.
Guys. C'mon. Enough's enough.
Four weeks ago, yeah it was funny.
Three weeks, I was still entertained.
Two weeks, okay.
One week, meh.
But now? Still? We are still making these videos? Be creative, think of something new.
Honorable mention this week goes out to the
Swiss Guards at the Vatican.
Because how could there ever be anything controversial about a church that still
enforces an "employee uniform" like this?
I love it. I love it so much.
The one and only time I felt it was okay for me to "Tebow."
The Vatican 2012.
That's all I've got... It's a busy day here in the Harlow household.
Lot's to do.
Happy March 1st everyone, spring is coming!
If you'd like to follow along this weekend as I take photos of random things you can find me
on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe

There's Bloody Marys to be drank, and Friday shenanigans to be had.
So let's get right into it.
Time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
It only feels right to mention one of my favorite restaurants first,
Taco Bell.
Not only did they just release the world famous Cool Ranch Doritos taco a few weeks ago,
but they just announced an even newer product this week.The Seabiscuit taco. Also known as the Mr. Ed taco.
Because Taco Bell is the latest fast food chain that was discovered to have horse meat in their ingredients.
And if anyone is seriously surprised by this, well then I am surprised by you.
How else would you explain a Crunch Wrap that costs only $3.74?
Or "chicken" quesadillas that run about .19 cents a piece.
Here's a little rule of thumb, if you can feed a family of five for less than $10,
it's time to be weary.
Speaking of weary, you know what else is having a great week?
The Titanic.
An Australian billionaire recently announced his plans to build an exact replica of the Titanic that will set sail as soon as 2016.
Over 40,000 people are rumored to have already expressed interest in climbing on board.
And I don't see why not, cruise ships have been having the best year ever as of late.
Sign me up!
And then we've also got
Tanning Beds having one helluva week, as well.
They are getting so much free press this week thanks to this woman.
You guys remember Tan Lady, right?
Well she was just cleared this week from all child endangerment charges
brought against her regarding allegations she forced her six year old to go into a tanning booth.
But I don't know what the big deal is. She was just trying to be a good mom to her youngest daughter.
Looking tan is sexy, everyone knows that.
I just can't believe no one has mentioned Magda's oldest daughter throughout this entire story.
Then again,
no one mentions this girl anymore so it really shouldn't be that big of a shocker.
You know who's not having a good week?
Chubby Kids.
Michelle Obama was back at it this week here in Chicago running her usual sweat shop
forcing perfectly happy little Butterballs to try and shape up.
The inner fat kid in me just wants to scream,
lay off and let me drink my Cheeto bag if I want!
First Lady is ruthless when it comes to this.
I have a feeling if we did a raid of Sasha and Malia's room right now we'd find Halloween candy
from the 90s.
And finally, the one thing that is really having the best week ever is
any song
BUT the Harlem Shake.
Guys. C'mon. Enough's enough.
Four weeks ago, yeah it was funny.
Three weeks, I was still entertained.
Two weeks, okay.
One week, meh.
But now? Still? We are still making these videos? Be creative, think of something new.
Honorable mention this week goes out to the
Swiss Guards at the Vatican.
Because how could there ever be anything controversial about a church that still
enforces an "employee uniform" like this?
I love it. I love it so much.
The one and only time I felt it was okay for me to "Tebow."
The Vatican 2012.
That's all I've got... It's a busy day here in the Harlow household.
Lot's to do.
Happy March 1st everyone, spring is coming!
If you'd like to follow along this weekend as I take photos of random things you can find me
on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe