RIP Magic

Yesterday was my first night of improv classes at IO.
And after just a first impression, I like to think of IO as Second City's younger, edgier
little brother- who sometimes smokes cigarettes in his room.
And I'm digging it.

From what I've heard, neither theater or school is better than the other,
they're just completely different in their own way.
And that's exactly what I'm looking for right now.

My teacher reminds me so much of Jim Gaffigan. It's almost uncanny.
They don't look alike, but they sound eerily similar.

Although my teacher would say Jim talks like him and not the other way around.
Regardless, Gaffigan is my favorite comedian so I can already tell this is going to be a great class.
It's okay he already made fun of me for being in a sorority,
and for being a blogger,
and for Instagraming photos of my food.
I make fun of me for all those reasons too.
Last night while I was giving my first introduction monologue he asked
 "so what will you blog about tomorrow?"
Naturally I responded, "well this of course...."
And look here I am. It's all coming full circle.

I was also planning on doing a little Bachelor recap,
but I'm just kinda over it at this point.
Sean's still a pretty boy, Tierra's a nut job,
and AshLee's gonna kill whoever it is that Sean ends up choosing.
I thought the best part of last night's episode was the tribute to Magic the dog at the very end.
Did anyone else tear up? Just kidding I didn't.
Just kidding I did.

Anyway, for the rest of the day
 I'm probably going to stay inside eating soup and drinking hot chocolate.
It started snowing early this morning and it hasn't stopped.

And it's supposed to keep on falling until tomorrow morning!

I am not happy! It's March, people. That's supposed to mean springtime.
My patio should look like it does in section two.
I miss this.

I'll give you one guess who likes the snow.

Harlow the hellraiser.

This was a ramble of a post. My apologies.
The snows making me a bit loopy.

Over and out.


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