I have never been so happy to wake up this morning.
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and pretend that I wasn't just a tad
antsy about the whole end of the world thing.
Because I was.
Then again, I was also nervous two years ago when that nut Harold Camping
said the world was ending on May 21, 2011.
See, I remember both his name and the date. Bet you didn't.
Because you're not CRAZY.
I blame it on the fact I just love life so much and have this feeling
I've got a lot left to accomplish yet.
And there goes Tony Robbins speaking for me yet again.
I don't think I realize the damage that's been done from listening to all of
his motivational tapes as bedtime stories from 1997 on...thanks dad.
Astrologically speaking, (and that's always my favorite way to speak)
I've heard today was never supposed to be about destruction,
but it's a about a new way of thinking.
A new beginning of sorts. And I am totally down with that.
I feel like I've got a new lease on life (this would be my 37th if anyone's counting)
and I'm ready to roll with.
So let's jump right in, because it's time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever
First up I have to mention the group who many have referred to as
the modern day Robin Hoods. Or the Boondock Saints of the internets.
I'm talking about Anonymous also known as @YourAnonNews
They're hackers with a cause.
And their latest project involved taking on those devil worshippers over in my old neck of the woods,
The Westboro Baptist Church.
AKA: The church who's slogan is God Hates America.
WBC recently announced they were going to picket funerals in Newtown.
I can barely type that without wanting to hunt down WBC myself, but it's true.
So Anonymous worked their magic and hacked WBC's Twitter and Facebook accounts,
releasing a plethora of private information about the hate group, including their plans for the picketing,
and phone numbers and addresses of "church" members.
To finish them off they also released a warning to WBC saying "we are coming for you."
It was freaky as hell and I loved it.
And next on my list is the company I'd like to thank for turning me into a
professional food, animal, and scenery photographer.
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and pretend that I wasn't just a tad
antsy about the whole end of the world thing.
Because I was.
Then again, I was also nervous two years ago when that nut Harold Camping
said the world was ending on May 21, 2011.
See, I remember both his name and the date. Bet you didn't.
Because you're not CRAZY.
I blame it on the fact I just love life so much and have this feeling
I've got a lot left to accomplish yet.
And there goes Tony Robbins speaking for me yet again.
I don't think I realize the damage that's been done from listening to all of
his motivational tapes as bedtime stories from 1997 on...thanks dad.
Astrologically speaking, (and that's always my favorite way to speak)
I've heard today was never supposed to be about destruction,
but it's a about a new way of thinking.
A new beginning of sorts. And I am totally down with that.
I feel like I've got a new lease on life (this would be my 37th if anyone's counting)
and I'm ready to roll with.
So let's jump right in, because it's time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever
First up I have to mention the group who many have referred to as
the modern day Robin Hoods. Or the Boondock Saints of the internets.
I'm talking about Anonymous also known as @YourAnonNews
They're hackers with a cause.
And their latest project involved taking on those devil worshippers over in my old neck of the woods,
The Westboro Baptist Church.
AKA: The church who's slogan is God Hates America.
WBC recently announced they were going to picket funerals in Newtown.
I can barely type that without wanting to hunt down WBC myself, but it's true.
So Anonymous worked their magic and hacked WBC's Twitter and Facebook accounts,
releasing a plethora of private information about the hate group, including their plans for the picketing,
and phone numbers and addresses of "church" members.
To finish them off they also released a warning to WBC saying "we are coming for you."
It was freaky as hell and I loved it.
And next on my list is the company I'd like to thank for turning me into a
professional food, animal, and scenery photographer.
You know what they say, any press is good press.
And Insta has certainly been in the news this week.
I don't know much about what's going on, but from what my Facebook friends have said
it seems Insta announced they had the rights to sell users photos,
which apparently got some people upset.
Am I the only one who thought "hells yea, it's finally time my photos of Harlow got purchased!"
I get why celebrities might be upset, although I don't follow and celebs on Instagram because
I've found their lives often make me a little too jealy.
But really, normal people? Why would you even care if Insta had the rights to your photos,
you're the one who uploaded them to the interweb in the first place.
And let's not kid yourself, your Dorito Pie looks delicious and all,
but I highly doubt it's a very sought after image.
What do I know though, I upload my life to the internet and don't make any apologies for it.
These next two people having a great week actually kinda scare me.
Kenneth Conley and Joseph Banks.
The two Chicago inmates who escaped from their downtown federal jail cell,
through the window on the 17th floor by crawling down a makeshift "rope"
of bed sheets tied together.
They are nowhere to be found.
I recommend we start by looking in a Looney Tunes cartoon.
And then the 1930s,
because these are the only two places where escaping through a prison window
via bed sheets tied together actually works.
The next gal on my list is a real show stopper, I'm talking about former Olympian,
Suzy Hamilton.
You want to know why Suz is having the best week ever?
Because she recently came clean to the fact that she's been working as an "escort"
for the past several years.
And by escort we mean prostitute.
Not just anybody has what it takes to be a forty-five-year old hooker, while making $600/hour no less!
So to that I say, you go Suzy Coco!
You jack of all trades, you.
Finally, the last people on my list having the best week ever are
you and me.
Because we survived the Mayan Apocalypse.
And think of all the good things that are yet to come.
After last week, more than ever, I truly appreciate the value of life.
When the sun decided to come up again today I finally realized that the only certainty in
this life, is the uncertainty of how it all unfolds.
So why not enjoy the ride while we're still lucky enough to be on it.
Damn you Tony Robbins, there you go sneaking up on me again.
Maybe honorable mention this week should go to Tony.
Yes, yes it will.
I accept that challenge.
God love ya, Tony, and your ape sized hands.
Happy weekend, everyone.