The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

Finally, after what has seemed like a twelve day week,
another Friday has arrived.
TGIF, Rebecca Black, TGIF.
I figure we might as well jump right in and cover this week's edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

First of all, we gotta start with Dick.
As in Liz and Dick the Lifetime movie that premiered on Sunday night.

This movie is so awesomely bad everyone is talking about it.
Or maybe nobody is, I don't actually know.
I watched about thirty minutes of it and saw all I needed to see.
But if you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and get a little blitzed,
put on a black wig, smoke an old fashioned cigarette, and then watch Parent Trap.
Because that's about as much sense as Liz and Dick makes.

Next on our list would have to be
Ugg Boots, Kindle Fires, and Video Games.

Because those were the top three selling items on Cyber Monday.
Now the only hard part will be finding a time machine to travel back to 2004
to find someone who hasn't already owned, and thrown out, and least three of those items.

And then we've got
Bo Obama. Bobama. Boma.
As if his entire life isn't the best week ever, it just got even better.
Bo just became the new internet sensation thanks to this video--->

I just wonder how many plastic tubs Michelle owns to store all of her decorations.

You know who else is having a great week?
Mark and Cindy Hill of Dearborn, MO.
They just won the $500 million Powerball from Wednesday night.
I honestly still can't believe it wasn't me...
Or at least one of my Facebook friends.

But by far, the one person having the best week ever is
Kim Jung-un the North Korean dictator.
Are you ready for this story? It might be one of my favorites from all year.
The satirical American magazine The Onion recently named Kim the Sexiest Man of the Year. Well, good old Communist China somehow got wind of this
and proceeded to reprint the news all over their country.
Reposting various Onion quotes such as:
"With his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob is every woman's dream come true."
China's newspaper, The People's Daily, even went on to run a 55 page spread
of the sexy beast, Kim Jung.
You go Kim Coco.

And this has been another edition of The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

But seriously, how pissed are you that you're not the Hill's right now?
I mean really.
Feel free to follow along with all of my non-millionaire weekend shenanigans
on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe

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