Why It's Sometimes Cool to Be An Adult

Usually I like to bitch about why I don't like being an adult.
ie: paying bills, working, having to pay a "lord" every month just for allowing me to live in their house
-AKA rent.
But after being in elementary schools quite a bit, I thought I'd write a post on why I enjoy being an adult.

Why It's (sometimes) Cool to Be An Adult

I don't have to ask for permission to go to the bathroom.
This might be one of my favorite adult freedoms.
If you don't have this freedom as an adult, I suggest you reevaluate.

I don't get yelled at in the morning if I'm cranky (which I usually am) or get told to 
"pick up my attitude."
You pick up your attitude, dick. 

I get to have a boyfriend.
His name is Chris.

I don't have to eat lunch with 200 other people.
Lunch time was always my favorite hour in school, but as an "adult" I would absolutely hate
to eat picnic-table-style, in a noisy room, that reeks of bleach and cheese every. single. day.

I can leave however many lights on in my house without getting yelled at.
Whatever, bills will be bills.

I get to have my own dog.
His name is Harlow.

I get to go to Dairy Queen in the middle of the afternoon with my dog just because we want to.
We often do.

I don't have to ask to get out of my seat. 
I don't have to "ask" to do much of anything these days. And I like it that way.

I can put anything and everything into the dishwasher. 
And I do. And I love it.
My parents were Nazis about which "special knives" and which "special pots" were too precious
to go through the damn dishwasher so I had to hand wash them all and it always pissed me off so bad.
So today I run my dishwasher all the time, just because I can.

I can drink four Capri Sun juices in a day and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Seriously though, why are those packets so damn small?
Why don't we make some 40 ouncers already?

On that same note- I can also drink four glass of wine in a day and nobody can tell me otherwise.

I get to write a blog about whatever the hell I want, and don't have to worry someone's going to call my mom and tattle on me for it.
You remember those tattle-moms? They were the worst.

But my favorite thing about being an adult, is probably the fact I get to spend a large majority of my day completely 
I loveeeeeee being a loner.
I know, I know, should I choose to have kids someday this will all change.
But that's exactly why I soak it up now.

And now I need to get ready to go socialize at Second City.
My dream's a calling.


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