It's Not What You Think It Is

I learned the hard way that politics is a tricky topic to talk about.
Especially on a blog where 99% of what I say is a complete joke and shouldn't taken seriously.
Apparently, some idiots still miss the memo.
Whatever. Trolls will troll. Bitches will bitch.

Because of this, I'm not even going to talk about the debate from last night.
Instead, I'm going to let the people speak for themselves.

Opinions (not my own) on the 2012 Presidential Debate:

"Lol, Romney's right on this one, we will be fine.
Don't hate me cuz you aint me! Holla."
-Rich People (regarding the "Rich people will be fine no matter who is president" line.)

"What kind of Nazi bullshit is this? 
Do you really think Ann raised those five children on her own? Who do you think entertained them while she was in the den smoking her medical marajuana? Oscar?"
-Big Bird

"There was a debate last night?"
-Jim Lehrer

"Hey, we love Obama. This hasn't been a bad four years for everyone!
 Don't you dare generalize us!"
-Food Stamps

"Romney! Romney! Romney!

"Last night was the most we've worked since middle school. We thought it was a really solid event."
-The Penis Drawings, courtesy of Obama's notebook.
If that's not a "I just drew another Romney Penis Face" smile, well then I don't know what is.

"Damn, it feels good to be back!"
-Bill Clinton

"Good to know we can always count on Mitt."
-The $uck It, Obama!!!! drawings, courtesy of Romney's notebook.

"What a night for Mitt, we just want to praise our Lord Jesus Christ."
-Mitt's wife, Ann

"What a night for Mitt, we just want to praise our Lord Jesus Christ."
-Mitt's other wife, Jan

"What a night for Mitt, we just want to praise our Lord Jesus Christ."
-Mitt's other, other wife, Nan

disclaimer: I'm kidding! Now please go to this blog to read my favorite Mormon's posts.
Also know I'm not really that close minded and realize having multiples wives isn't really a part of the Mormon faith. 
end disclaimer.

There is no question, Romney won this debate.
But let's be honest people, what does that really matter?
The masterdebater doesn't always equal the winner.
I learned this firsthand in 5th grade. I won the student council debate, but did I get president?
Nope. That stupid hooker from 6th grade, Shannon Millhouse did.
And I even handed out Jolly Ranchers taped to a piece of paper that said,
"Vote for Tay! It will pay."
Whatever, I'm over it.

The real question I think, is which candidate
was on bath salts last night?
The overly sweaty and pink lipped Romney?

Or the unusually drowsy and tongue tied Obama?

Or was it actually Jim Lehrer?

 At which point this would probably explain why he went
on to eat the face of a homeless person almost immediately after he left his chair last evening.

And that's my recap.

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