Two of a Kind: G&T

Okay, enoughs enough.
I've been getting so many emails from people absolutely begging
me to write this post.
And even though I didn't want to at first,
I feel it would just be unAmerican of me not to at this point.
So here it is, a post that I didn't make up on my own,
but actually had like ten thousands of people tell me I had to write.
Seriously. I get it.
So without further ago,

Why Gabby Douglas and I Are Basically the Same Person:

We're both born entertainers.

See if you can find me.
(It's pretty easy though, they don't give that middle spot to just any little girl that looks like a boy.)

It's just our life motto.

We never take the easy way out. It's just wouldn't be right.
Not the G&T way.

Our haters have been known to diss our "hair."
Psshh. Bfd.

We've got bigger things to concentrate on than our hair.
Messy hair. Don't care.

Our skills at the bar are second to none.

This was after probably seven hours of strict bar workouts.

We're willing to try difficult stunts, most others wouldn't.

We're always thinking outside the box.

The most obvious similarity?
Well that would be our smiles.
(as if you didn't already realize this)

It's almost uncanny.
Her's has been said to light up a room.
Mine has been said to clear out a room.

Gabby Douglas, world class Olympian.

Taylor Wolfe, recognizable (in her hometown) lifestyle blogger.
One in the same really.

And being the generous blogger I am,
I have yet another surprise in store.
A guest post from one of my favorite West Coast bloggers.
She says it like it is,
writes about things most people don't,
and usually posts photos of great stuff I can't afford.
Did I mention she's actually a really good writer, as well?
For reals. Read her blog. It's refreshingly funny on a regular basis.
And she's also hosting a sweet giveaway for sunglass.
So check her out!
Sunglasses Giveaway!

Meet Mish

Title: A Successful Relationship is Built on Honesty

This is me and my main man: V Dizzle. 
We've been together for a little over a year and things are just lip-smackin' good.
People often ask me how we make our relationship so successful.
{Okay, that's a lie. No one has actually ever asked me that. But I'm going to give you my two-cents anyway.}

One of the reasons why I think The Dizz and I have been successful at our relationship {thus far} is honesty.
It's important to be able to be straight forward with your mate. Good or bad. Wouldn't you agree?

Here are just a few examples from this week where I really appreciated V Dizzle's honesty with me:

Example #1:
A few mornings ago, I threw on a blouse that I scrounged out from the depths of my closet and asked him if it was too wrinkly to wear to work. 
He looked at me point blank and replied, "Since when has that ever mattered?" 
And you know what? That was some straight up truth right there. 
Because yeah, do I wear wrinkly clothes on an almost daily basis? Yes. 
Do I often pull out a shirt from the dirty hamper, sniff-test it, then throw it on without a second thought? Absolutely. 
It was his honest response that brought me back to ground level and to remember that I just don't give a shiz and I should never forget that and always be me.

Example #2:
The other night, I had to use the potty. {Number 1.} 
Right after, The Dizzle went in to do the same. 
Upon exiting, he came to me and said, "Boo, you didn't drink enough water today. You really should drink more." 
So I said, "Why? Did my pee smell?" 
And he gave me this look that said yes...yes it did. 
But you know what? It was that honest moment that let me know he cared about my health and well being. 
I appreciated his concern and promptly drank a tall glass of water.

Example #3:
I had my birth control packet lying out on the counter the other day.
And it was on the week before those "sugar pills."
a.k.a. The week that Crazy Connie comes out to make everyone's life a living hell.
V Dizzle has become quite familiar with this week.
But I noticed him glance at the packet, assess what week it was, and make a pleasant {slash} surprised look.
I asked him what the look was for and he said,
"You've surprisingly been in a really good mood this week."
And that, my friends, is his honest way of telling me bitch-mode Connie has not come around and he likes it.
It made me aware and it made me want to put even more effort into having a pleasant attitude.

So there you have it.
Honesty is truly the best policy.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


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