It's My Birthday! and a giveaway...

Alas, the day is finally here.
The reason for which Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook-
so we could all experience the joy of having a Facebook birthday.
It's also my great grandma's 99th birthday today, as well.
And I can't help but feel sorry for her because she'll never get to experience the joy of refreshing her profile numerous times today and feeling that little ping of excitement seeing the red number icon pop up on her Facebook globe telling her she has a notification....
What a feeling that is.
Oh c'mon, I'm kidding!
I'm not that shallow... But I'm not going to pretend it doesn't give me jollies.
And I know it does you too.
If only someday I can have as many real life friends as I do online friends...
Someday, but for now online is just as good.

today will be a very busy birthday.
I am moving all day. And remember how I said I love moving?
I don't think I do anymore.
Turns out, when you move into a cool busy neighborhood, parking spots aren't so easy to come by.
I drove around for literally 25 minutes yesterday looking for a spot!
I was damn near tears by the end.
And then when I got inside I found out our garden level apartment doesn't have the best service.
Again, close to tears.
Not having service in your house is probably one of the most ANNOYING things ever.
"Can you hear me?"
"I can hear you."
"Now? Hello?"
"Hold on, I'll go outside! Hold on!"

Kill me.
But I just have to remind myself to stay calm and enjoy the fact I get to live in a cool neighborhood in Chicago.
Remember where I was for last years birthday?
Topeker, Kansas.
I'll say it again, Topeker, Kansas.
I celebrated today last year with the Phelps over at Westboro Baptist.
I remember driving by their church and they were all standing outside holding up ironic birthday signs for me.
You know, just silly stuff like-
"God hates you"
and other ironic birthday quotes.

Anyway, in the midst of my move
I will be making numerous trips to Target to buy new-house essentials.
Like candles, summer decorated paper towels, and new outdoor rugs.
That's the part of moving I enjoy.
Speaking of Target....

Knowing that it's one of my favorite stores,
my mom has so graciously offered to donate a $30 Target gift card as a fun giveaway today!
To which I replied, that's really nice,
but can I just keep it?
So if no one wants to participate, that's fine with me, I will just pocket it.
But.... That's not the point she said.
So here's the deal-
There are a couple ways to enter:
First and foremost-
You have to follow this blog.
Isn't it lovely how we bloggers have gotten clever enough to bribe each other to follow one another?
Haha. Anyway...
Next follow me on Twitter.

Other things you can do-
Blog about it
Tweet about it
Facebook about it

So that's two mandatory things
and three optional=
up to 5 entries.

You know the drill-
leave a comment and just let me know what you did. 

And while I'm bribing you to do things check out my book as well. 
First copies will be in next week!

Buy my book and that would be the best bday gift of all...

And thank you everyone for all of the bday wishes
25 has been great so far!
at least way better than I thought it would be when I was 21 and said 
"ew 25 is so gross..."
screw you, 21 year old self.
I'm doing pretty good.

PS- I'll announce the winner on Monday, May 21st.

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