Finally Settled

Boom goes the weekend.
And I am exhausted.
Last thing I knew it was 6:30 a.m. on Friday, 
my alarm was blaring,
and I started scrambling around the house doing last minute things in preparation of the movers coming.
And now somehow it's already Sunday night.
But I am happy to report we are almost completely settled.
Probably 98%.

Here's a pic of our new little home.
Naturally, I mean our new "rental" home.
And of course we only have one floor.
But for now, this is pretty okay for us.

It's been a process though, that is fo sho.
A lot of blood, sweat and tears.
No tears actually, I'd say more like blood, sweat and arguments.
Moving is um... difficult.
Especially when moving in the city and space is very VERY limited.
Luckily, Chris and I were able to cram all our of shit stuff into two tiny closets,
(and under the bed, under the dresser, stuffed into shelves, and every other nook and cranny I could find.)

Around 7:00 last night I couldn't take unpacking/organizing anymore 
so Harlow and I set out for a little walk around the new neighborhood.
This is what we discovered:
We are four minutes away from the actual park of Lincoln Park
(which is bigger in square footage than Central Park according to Chris, I still need to google it...)
Five minutes away from Lincoln Park Zoo
Three minutes away from the nearest market
We are literally surrounded by a plethora of restaurants and bars
And the last two are the scariest of all-
We are six minutes from Dairy Queen 
and six minutes from Urban Outfitters
and this is all measured in walking time... trouble, I know.

After our little jaunt 
I came home and demanded Chris and I take a break for the night
 and go enjoy the new hood.
So we headed down the block to Zapatista for some margs and tacos.

It was good,
too good.
Living this close to so many yummy restaurants is going to be hard on the old diet...
We finished off the night by enjoying some champagne  
in our new backyard.

Harlow enjoyed all of the new scents around.
We lost track of him for one minute and before we knew it 
he was three floors up on the neighbor's balcony next door.
He just loves meeting new people...

And today...
Has been one of my most productive Sundays I've had since probably grade school-
back in the day when I thought it was "fun" to spend Sundays at the YMCA playing basketball, volleyball, gymnastic and every other sport imaginable. 
Harlow and I woke up today and immediately went for a run in the park and then down to the beach. 
I'd like to say I'll do this every morning... but we both know that isn't happening.
It's fun to pretend though.

And then the rest of the day was spent cleaning out the old apartment.
That place was filthy. Beyond filthy.
However, sometimes I think I'd make a very good maid.
I kind of love cleaning.
But only when it benefits me... I guess that means I'm a selfish cleaner.

So again,
after too many hours packing boxes, loading them into the car, and then unpacking once again,
we weren't quite finished until around 7:00 p.m.
We finally said enough is enough and cracked open the beers 
and started the grill at 7:30.

Patios like this are hard to come by in Chicago,
so we will most definitely be taking full of advantage of our private yard.
We grilled good steak, 
drank cold beers, 
and finally got to enjoy this wonderful weather a bit.
Harlow did the same.
(notice the drool leaking from his mouth.)
I could have taken the same photo of Chris...

And the night was capped off with a trip to YoBerri-
another place just a block away.

Hello summer, it's nice to see you.

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