Show Me the Money

Well the interview yesterday went...
pretty good.
First thing I always judge on is the handshake. This is soooo important.
The interviewee's handshake was: firm. 
But not scary firm, like "I want you to know I'm the dominant male and could crush you with my hand" firm. Just good firm.
My handshake is firm as well, firm in the "dominant male I could crush you with my hand" kind of way. And I pride myself on that.
I despise the weak half ass hand shakes I've seen where it's like the person almost gives you their hand like they're ready for you to kiss it. 
This is the 90's people. C'mon.

I was asked all of the standard questions-
What are your strengths?
Blogging. And taking my dog to the beach every day.

Snickers Ice Cream bars. Posting photos of my dog at the beach every day. And happy hour.

Name a time you overcame a weakness-
Today, when I didn't respond to 85% of Facebook statuses with something like,
"nobody really gives a shit."

Which would be so hypocritical of me anyway. Because I post stupid shit all of the time, as well.
Just not gym photos (because I don't go to a gym) 
or complainy poor me statuses 
"I just wish things would go my way for once" #selfpityboohoo
get off Facebook and maybe they will...
And that's why my Facebook is better than yours. Jk. But ...

the questions were asked and I answered in my best salesman voice possible.
By the end of the interview I was screaming
Seriously. I got out of control with my interview self.
But I'm happy to report I didn't have to resort to making any uncomfortable/inappropriate jokes.

However I didn't walk out of there with a job offer in hand as I had hoped.
Turns out, there are actually two other candidates being interviewed this week!
As Stephanie Tanner would say, 

I so arrogantly thought I was the last one. 

And other than that, today was going swimmingly until I made the mistake of watching just a bit of Terms of Endearment while I ate my lunch. 
Now I'm a wreck.
All I can think about is who is going to raise baby Melanie and would Tommy ever grow into a confident young man.

I have to get my act together though.
Chris and I are going to the Cubs game tonight.
The only good thing about having a terrible team is $7 weekday tickets. 
Woohoo hot dogs and beer!
Expect to see numerous (and very important) Facebook updates later this evening.
Stadium service permitting of course... which might be the most frustrating thing about attending large events.
If I can't tweet/Fb about it, how can I brag to people I'm there?

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