Well I did it. I survived the seven day itch. I've officially been at this job longer than I was my previous job a month or two ago. Feels good, like I've really accomplished something important. Sure am glad it's the weekend though, it's been one exhausting work week. Today is more or less (more) my first Friday working in an actual office. No joke, that's kinda weird to think about, huh? I recall absolutely hating Fridays in high schools with my previous position because all of the kiddos were all super hyper and strung out on Mt. Dew in anticipation of the weekend. I just wanted to kill myself (or them but it's not "politically correct" to joke about killing students) if I had to be around them for more than two hours. Well as it turns out, those Friday-excited hyper kids grow up, and they turn into Friday-excited working adults. And I think I've turned into one too somehow? I've discovered there's just a different feel around the office on a Friday. There's seems to be a "gitty umbrella" hanging above everyone's heads today catching all of the good thoughts and attitudes. The songs on the radio are just a little bit better, the coffee tastes a little smoother. Everyone seems to be just a little bit lighter in their step. And why wouldn't they be? The weekend is just right around the corner. I think I finally understand the meaning of TGIF. I haven't understood a real TGIF since I was in third grade and was truly busy at work solving fractions, evaluating obtuse triangles and then bolting off to soccer, basketball, and swimming immediately after. Talk about a busy week. I looked forward to nothing more than relaxing on the couch with a little Family Matters (I was diverse like that) and Clarissa Explains it All with some pizza and Hee Haw.
Well right now it certainly doesn't hurt that I'm a little tipsy, as well. Love those two hour long drinking lunches. Another bottle of wine? You betcha. I can spend the last three hours of my Friday doing absolutely nothing screwing around on my computer. Working under the influence is the best. I just hope I don't have another coffee fiasco like I did the last time I tried to make a pot after a nice drunken lunch... Let's just say when in doubt of using a filter, use a filter. Same rule applies with so many things in life.
But before my alcoholic induced lunch, I had a few meetings at the Chicago Board of Trade. Boy, was this a treat. I convinced the security guard on "the floor" to let me inside so I could take a peak into what the action was all about. I saw people screaming, waving paper in the air, it was all very exciting. The only thing missing was Eddie Murphy and a monkey suit. It made me realize that if my current career falls through, or my screenwriting career, I'd like to become a stock broker. It looks pretty great.
Again, so happy for another arrival of a weekend. Let's make it a good one.
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