Did he or didn't he? DID HE OR DIDN'T HE? This is what every single Nebraskan is asking tonight. Did Bo Pelini once play a part in SNL's famed skit "Daa Bears?" Or am I the only one who thinks he talks with a weird Chicago accent? Okay, so actually people might really be wondering if T Magic quit the team. But, I'm wondering about Bo. Does Bo realize his nose moves when he talks just like Gonzo from Sesame Street? Does Bo realize he picks his boogers on TV all the time? Do Bo realize what an asshole he is? Who is he to think he can treat reporters in such a terrible way? In the beginning it was funny how Bo belittled every reporter who asked him a question he didn't find worthy of a response, but now it's just embarrassing and quite rude. Every other coach in the league answers their questions, why is he exempt? Bobby Knight called, he says stop acting like such a douche.
So according to good sources (FB and Twitter) T Magic texted somebody in the locker room while he was getting his ankle taped. It's speculation he was texting his over zealous dad. Apparently his dad is a bit of a stage dad and has been crossing some lines as of late, like calling Bo and emailing Bo. But before we start getting our panties in a bunch I think we need to just calm down and figure out if Taylor was indeed texting. Perhaps he was updating his status? Has anyone checked his page? Because I would not be surprised in the least if we happened to see something that said, "getting my ankle taped, A&M guys are so rude! Ugh tough game!" Maybe, "A&M locker room isn't nearly as nice as UNL, can't wait to get home!" Or even my favorite, "Only 35 days til Christmas!" Just a thought, what if he was actually just reading FB to get advice from other peoples statuses like I once suggested? Then again, would anyone be surprised to find out he was just sexting? I did notice FB girl's updates were more frequent than usual yesterday during the game. Regardless, Bo was pissed Tay was playing around on his phone. I can't imagine what a dick dad Bo must be when his kids text at the dinner table or something.
"God damnit Suzie I've told you no texting during dinner! Now knock that shit off or you're going to uncle Carl's again, and you know what happens there..." Too far, I know. But seriously.
Bo makes our sweet good natured Nebraska team look bad. You can disagree, but I'm right. WWTOD. Not this. Tom Osborne would never yell and spit in a quarter backs face. Would Solich? Nope. Callahan? Perhaps. But we expected that from a celeb like Callahan- whom I still believe is a cross between Alec Baldwin and Henry Winkler... think about it. Also, remember when that cute little QB tried to quit a few years ago? What was his name?... He was a bit "light in his shoes," as Chris would say, oh yes, dear old Eric Crouch. QBs are so temperamental, it just takes a little coaxing and a few back rubs and they'll change their mind. I bet we'll wake up tomorrow and this will all be over. We'll forget it ever happened. Tay Tay will be back on the sidelines looking like the adorable buck toothed monkey child we all know and love. I can just feel it. I can feel the magic tonight.
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