I'm not writing a post today.
And I will tell you why. Because I'm certain if I do my computer will blow up.
Or blogger will blow up. Or maybe I'll blow up.
Something shitty is bound to happen.
For whatever reason the date 10.11.12. is against me.
It all started on the way to the airport today when I lost my ID in the train.
Losing your ID while en route to catch a plane is a little bit stressful. I wouldn't recommend it.
10.11.12.= 1 point
Me= 0
I got to the airport and showed security every one of my 78 credit cards
(so whoever said having a lot of credit cards is bad, is wrong.)
I also showed my insurance card, my FedEx card, and my Facebook profile (seriously)
and was let through.
Why isn't there an ID app already? Wtf.
Once through security I walked to my gate.
And then was informed my gate had moved to the other side of the airport.
10.11.12.= 2 points
Me= -1
Flight delayed 30 minutes.
Move back a space.
When it was time to board I pretentiously stood right in the first A spot for Southwest
because I had purchased (for the first time ever) an early bird check in.
I stood there thinking, "I am so glad I purchased this. It was totally worth it."
I handed the flight attendant my boarding pass and quickly marched onto the plane.
The flight attendant quickly followed me...
"Miss, where you are going?"
"Onto the plane...."
"Are you going to Denver?"
"Nope, Omaha."
"This plane is going to Denver."
Have you ever walked off a plane when everyone else is walking on?
It's a bit embarrassing.
Move back ten spaces.
So then I ran over to my Omaha flight and was the last person to board.
The last. The last last.
Good thing I bought that early bird check in...
Lose next turn.
So the good thing is I was let on the plane,
the bad thing was I couldn't order a drink without an ID.
Just quit f**king playing.
So that my friends, is why I'm not writing a post today.
Instead, I'm going to play with this guy.
Ps like my necklace? It's a Mildred & Bernice
And eat on this guy for a bit,
and sip on this guy.

I'll be back tomorrow for
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever
Here's a clue who isn't having the best week ever: Me.

And I will tell you why. Because I'm certain if I do my computer will blow up.
Or blogger will blow up. Or maybe I'll blow up.
Something shitty is bound to happen.
For whatever reason the date 10.11.12. is against me.
It all started on the way to the airport today when I lost my ID in the train.
Losing your ID while en route to catch a plane is a little bit stressful. I wouldn't recommend it.
10.11.12.= 1 point
Me= 0
I got to the airport and showed security every one of my 78 credit cards
(so whoever said having a lot of credit cards is bad, is wrong.)
I also showed my insurance card, my FedEx card, and my Facebook profile (seriously)
and was let through.
Why isn't there an ID app already? Wtf.
Once through security I walked to my gate.
And then was informed my gate had moved to the other side of the airport.
10.11.12.= 2 points
Me= -1
Flight delayed 30 minutes.
Move back a space.
When it was time to board I pretentiously stood right in the first A spot for Southwest
because I had purchased (for the first time ever) an early bird check in.
I stood there thinking, "I am so glad I purchased this. It was totally worth it."
I handed the flight attendant my boarding pass and quickly marched onto the plane.
The flight attendant quickly followed me...
"Miss, where you are going?"
"Onto the plane...."
"Are you going to Denver?"
"Nope, Omaha."
"This plane is going to Denver."
Have you ever walked off a plane when everyone else is walking on?
It's a bit embarrassing.
Move back ten spaces.
So then I ran over to my Omaha flight and was the last person to board.
The last. The last last.
Good thing I bought that early bird check in...
Lose next turn.
So the good thing is I was let on the plane,
the bad thing was I couldn't order a drink without an ID.
Just quit f**king playing.
So that my friends, is why I'm not writing a post today.
Instead, I'm going to play with this guy.
Ps like my necklace? It's a Mildred & Bernice
And eat on this guy for a bit,
and sip on this guy.
I'll be back tomorrow for
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever
Here's a clue who isn't having the best week ever: Me.