A weekend of cabin drinking in Michigan makes for a struggle Monday morning. Saturday night things got a little bit out of control and we all got pretty drunk. And when I say "we all" turns out I was actually the only one who jumped on the sloppy train, something I didn't realize until the next morning when I started noticing I was the only one getting the "look" and the "how are you feeling today?" I don't know why that always seems to happen to me. I should have known things were going downhill when I started getting sassy on Facebook. I get myself into trouble when I post under the influence. I don't know why I feel the need to become the official Facebook Husker advocate regarding negative posts. If douchers want to say annoying things about the team, so be it. They have their rights too. There really is no need for me to poke my nose into it and post my own annoying opinion regarding who I feel is and isn't qualified to post about the Huskers. A douche is a douche is a douche. Like Chris always tells me, just because someone has never played a sport doesn't mean they can't be knowledgable about it. Like Doc Sadler (the example Chris likes to use) which I feel only backs up my notion. So to the gentlemen (and a few dumbass girls) watching the game/facebooking a new status after every play regarding how bad they thought it was, I apologize for making fun of your opinion (and yourself.) That's the beauty of sports, everyone is entitled to pretend to be a fan. But whatevs, it's the nature of the beast. These "fans" only bitch because they care so much for their dear little Huskers. It's like the new Facebook that had everyone up in arms. We bitch about what we love. I'm rambling. Moral of the story, someone needs to take away my phone when I drink. Or better yet, Facebook needs a breathalyzer app that requires one to blow before being able to comment or post.
Besides being the weird drunk girl surrounded by a small group of barely tipsy people, it was a great weekend in Michigan. Tim the Tool Man Taylor wasn't kidding around, his state has some real good looking areas. Although, I will admit one of my favorites parts of the trip was driving by Gary, Indiana- the nation's crime Capitol. I love looking at ghettos! You know how big cities offer bus tours of celebrity neighborhoods and historical spots? Well I think there should be a bus tour of the ghetto and various housing projects. I'd sign up in a heart beat! Hell, I'd even like to be the tour guide. Passengers might be required to wear bullet proof vests, but that's not a big deal.
But back to Michigan, we ate, we drank, boated, kayaked, fished, embraced Pure Michigan head on. So doing all of this in less than 48 hours makes today a little rough. I think getting up in the morning could be used as a torture tactic in a POW camp. Monday mornings are especially the worse, it's the hardest thing ever for me to take the first steps out of my cozy, warm bed and into the cold bathroom. I lay in bed for hours making small negotiations with myself. Okay only ten more minutes, four more, maybe five, getting up in two. Sometimes I go through my entire morning routine before I realize I was just dreaming about getting up but am still very much in bed. I really can't imagine what it's going to be like in the dead of winter knowing I have to get up, walk five blocks to the train, wait for the train in the freezing cold, and then walk five more blocks to my work. Holy shit, that will be awful.
So happier thoughts... I'm going to Tory Burch to sign the official papers this afternoon. Is this my best decision ever? No, probably not. But like I always do, I'm going to make myself learn the hard way I've gotten into something I probably should have stayed away from right from the beginning. Me working retail on the weekends. Should be interesting considering I've never worked retail or worked a weekend. I never learn. If worse comes to worse and I really hate it I'll probably just have to have Kim call and quit for me again. In the meantime, if you're in Chicago stop by the new store that is set to open October 30th and see me! I'll be the snooty sales girl working alongside the other 16 year old weekend workers. Rumor is Tory will actually be at the store opening so that's kinda cool...I'm sure she'll want to meet me since I'm going to make it my mission to become her niece's new BFF.
No more time for nonsense, there's too much work to be done. Madison,WI is less than five days away... Oh boy. The corn vs the cheese. Cheesy corn. My favorite kind.
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