This whole "working" thing is really getting in the way of my bloggage and I'm not liking it. I'm just like busy and tired all the time. I shouldn't say "busy," I'm just lazy. I still don't understand why the work day has to be as long as it is. I want to know what asshole came up with the whole 8-5 thing because I really don't think it has to be this way. Everyone just follows it because it's all we know. What if work days were only from 10-2? No lunch, no time to jack around, just strictly business in those four hours. I bet the same amount of work would get done. Probably even more. It's just exhausting sitting at a desk all day. It's all calls and emails and changing the radio station and going to the breakroom and waiting til happy hour. Did I mention I got my first sale yesterday? It wasn't the sale that excited me though, it was the fun that came afterward. The entire office took shots of Jameson, apparently it's a tradition around here. The shots were shortly followed by an elegant wine and cheese happy hour at restaurant 437. Happy hour with my coworkers, not Chris's, not Chris's friends, but my very own coworkers. I think I might actually have work friends, and the best part is that not one of them is a 60 year old FACs teacher. It's very exciting.
But let's talk about Madison. If you're going, but you haven't posted it on Facebook yet, you're probably not really going. I've spent a greater part of my day reading articles about Nebraska in the Madison news. They seem to think our "little black out" is a joke. It's getting me all riled. I've never actually participated in black outs in the past (I mean when it comes to the clothing kind) but I'm definitely joining in on the fun for this weekend. I'm gonna black the shit out of myself (again, clothing-wise.) I'm really going to try to keep it under control this weekend. My drunk-pants aren't as flattering in places that aren't Lincoln. Cutting lines, spitting out my drink, playing "door guy," probably won't fly in Wisconsin. I'm there for two things, for football and for cheese. I'm coming with my game face on and painted black, wearing black pants, black shirt, black shoes, I'm going all out. I have a real good feeling about this game. I think I'll actually even pay attention. This might be the first time in my life I am just as excited for the game as I am for tailgating. And that's saying a lot, because we all know how thrilling it is to drink with friends (even people you just vaguely know) in another state. It's always amusingly surprising to run into someone you know at an away game. This is an anomaly I've never really understand, but have always participated in. Should it really be that shocking? No, but it always is. And that's what I love about away games, those unexpected (marginally expected) run-ins with people you probably wouldn't drink with in Lincoln but are more than happy to buy a beer elsewhere. If you're not going, I'm sorry. I want to say you're not going to miss out, but that'd be a lie. From everything I've read, this weekend is going to be a big deal. Like as big of a deal as when Tommy Frazier came to the Sunset Plaza in Norfolk and signed my football poster. Or when Zach Potter came to York Elementary. We're talking big, like so big Facebook might actually blow up on Saturday. Literally, the FB server will be getting so many annoying posts and pics from obnoxious Husker fans like myself it might just stop working. We'll just have to wait and see. But if you're not going, it's not too late. Do you think anyone has ever said, "man, I really wished I wouldn't have gone to that game on Saturday." No. Well maybe, but that usually had more to do with alcohol than the actual game.
I'm too gitty to work. I can't believe it's only Thursday. Where is Rebecca Blackout when you need her.
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