I love Facebook. Love, love, love it. So when people start trash posting about it I don't like it one bit. Let's not forget no one is making you use this wonderful service, if you hate the new layout so much don't use it. Get off Facebook, I'm sure no one will miss you and the negativity you post into the newsfeed. I know change is scary, especially on Fb, but think of all the good things that have come about thanks to Zucky's constant creative updates. Anybody remember how pissed/weirded out people were when the mini feed first came about? What about status updates? I swore I'd never participate in either. And look at me now. Just a regular Jenny Facebooker I am. If Fb knew what was good for them they'd hire me onto their creative team because I'm constantly thinking of new ideas that will better the Book. For example, what do we think about adding creeper alerts? Hear me out on this one before you judge me. I don't think it would be such a bad idea if Fb had some sort of alert or task notification one could set to remind themselves to creep a particular person and/or subject later in the day to see what has developed on the particular post that initially sparked the interest. Am I alone in my creepiness here or has anyone else ever saw something pop up on their mini like "big changes are coming, so excited I got the news today," and you can't help but wonder what's going on. But then when you click on the comments below they too are only from other snoopy fb peeps like the typical, "what's up girl..." the one from the kiss ass, "you deserve it pretty lady!" or the even less creative, "???." And since I put it out there, when did "pretty lady" become the official Facebook term of endearment? Or do people actually say "pretty lady" in person? But back to my creep alerts, this always happens to me. I'll see a status on my way to work and want to know more, but by the end of the day I have completely forgotten who I'm supposed to look up. It's quite annoying. If someone (I most likely don't know) is moving, landed a new job or went engagement ring shopping, I want to know damn it. And sometimes I just need a simple reminder alert, "reminder: check So & So's page at lunch to see if any more photos have been posted from her wedding," and "reminder: don't check So & So's page for at least another three months because the photos of her bare pregnant belly make you want to vomit." Anyone else with me on this one? Or am I just really that big of a creep like Chris always says?
Well whatever, I'm not a creeper in my real life. I'm turning into such a cliche city girl it's not even funny. For example, I make jokes with the door guy at my building. He calls me T, I call him Door Guy. We have that special Seinfeld relationship based on inside jokes and akward small talk. I do the same thing with the guys at the bakery I go to everyday. The token black man calls me "his wife" and we exchange silly banter about it every morning. The Starbucks girls know my order when I come in just like how it happens on the movies. I walk in, they say "what you want?" And I laugh as if they don't know. I tell them anyway because I'd hate for them to accidentally screw it up, but I know they know. I take at least five cabs a day. I have to, how else would I get to my very important meetings where I drop off the morning bunt cakes I purchased from my pretend husband at the bakery? It's a busy day, but it's just how life goes in the city. Before I know it it's almost 3:00 p.m. and it's time for me to play on Linkedin for the next two hours until it's time for happy hour. Busy, busy, busy. Funny to think how last year at this time I was spending hours on my couch self loathing about living in Peker...
Is it Friday yet? I miss my couch.